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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Watch the sun reclining into its shelter,
How it folds, journeying for rest,
Watch the stars dwindling when it's dawn,
Lights burning out, fading into afterlife
Time tells our story, ends our reign
There's no rest on life's street, no home to play,
Forever ever, plus ca change
Bells on pause, waiting to jingle the signals
The road calls to end when home comes


Long teeth and sour snort, a mumble as he creeps.
Her eyes no longer open, forever visions as she sleeps.
And darkness closes round her, touching deep her bones,
A cold gulp of the reaper, hunting what he owns.

Her heart it beats so slowly, blood travels without haste,
Her lips are blue and thin, as he savours her to taste.
Her lids flutter frailly, you sense he’ll soon collect,
She takes a turn for the worse, what did you expect?

Countdown to homelessness –
mars this earthlinked sole Harris - son
panhandler would would register
pyrrhic victory won.

Found me linkedin at the end of my wits
mein kampf and hard times
playing on big screen at the Ritz
vamoose oft times motivations quits
for -- no money iz the pits
without any rich Uncle (Sam) in my orbitz
to ease worse case scenario than bing covered
head to toe with nits
if...offered residence among...
hive feel stung as beelzebub doth buzzfeed,

Take your rest while you may?

Nobody wants to hear you sing the blues,

but when you’re down and out

and feel you’ve nothing to lose.

It’s part of your nature to dip your foot in that pool.

You can’t go forward, and it won’t help to turn back.

Then lend me an ear and I’ll sing for you.

A melancholy tune that seems to distract

And though you suspect that it will all turn around.

From the choir in your head, only the blues resound!

The voices that plague your tormented mind!

Won’t let you rest on this hot August night.

Daily Thoughts

We wake up each and every day
Seeking various games to play
What we really find
Are thoughts within our mind
Still seeking real games to play

How long?

How long until I am no longer lost in the middle of longing,

How long until I am no longer trapped by a sense of ill belonging,

How long until I receive the rewards that I am not entitled,

How long until my full potential becomes unbridled,

How long until success breathes down and makes the hair's stand on the back of my neck,

How long until I find the reason suffering is clinging onto my lifes deck,

How long until I find the one to love,

How long until I realize that some priorities are well above,


I'm lonely, Lord, this cruel spring day.
I've lost the will; I've lost the way.
And this ill wind that bends the trees
blows in my face a bitter breeze.

I'm empty as an arid cloud,
left lifeless in a corpse-clad shroud.
I've ceased to toil without a rest
to feather someone else's nest.

I've left the busy world of work.
Behind my window blinds I lurk,
to watch the race I’ve left behind.
I’m morbid, so by most, maligned.

I Am The Sun

I am the sun, I am the sky
The light that shines with wonderous eyes
I am the moon, I am the stars
The meteors that shower Mars
I am the earth, I am the roots
The trees that tower flowers bloomed
I am the rock, I am the stone
The minerals that hold below
I am the North, I am the South
That gives direction to each cloud
I am the wind, I am the breeze
The elements that flow with ease
I am the fire, I am the heat
Igniting dreams that spark each beat
I am the birth, I am the breath

One Shot Away

When your back is against the wall
When you're surrounded on every side
When you're pinned in, no escape
Keep your eyes trained on that prize

When things get hard, grit your teeth
If you're tired, then keep up the fight
When the odds are stacked against you
When the world gets dark, be a light

If your enemy fights back, fight harder
Keep your eyes on the title you crave
It isn't about what others didn't do
It's all in the little efforts you gave


Leaves are fully
off the elm early
pear apple cherry
plum in rhythm
to the cycle of the seasons

Towering Ent reaching for the sky
seems to have its own mind
can’t wait to start over
hasten a rebirth
one more time


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.