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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


War Talk

"I see you on the other side
of our parents' intolerance and violence.
I think we could be friends somewhere else."

"Can we go there sometime soon?"

"I don't know if it's possible, but I hope so.
I have to go now I hear more rockets coming.
So, I'll see you tomorrow I hope."

"I'd like that very much."

Ode to an Electric Blanket.

My Darling have you missed me?
As much as I've missed you.
Through a long and lonely summer
Nothing we could do
but wait until the Autumn
When once again we could embrace,
Enfolded in your arms
A warm and tender place
To lay my naked flesh
'Gainst your body soft and warm
To feel you getting hotter
Till I can bear no more.
Dear Lord! this heat is burning
Just one thing I can do
Leap from the bed
And switch you off,
Or down to setting two.

Life Is A Maze

Life is a maze, so make a plan
Face up to what you fear.
Don’t make light, of what is dark
But be sure to make it clear.

Do not befriend the devil
Keep him close, but at arm’s length.
Look your daemons in the eye
To release your inner strength.

You’ll have a map, but no direction
If you ignore the warning signs.
Your heart’s a sundial and a compass
That points north, when courage shines.

Branson Brody

Branson Brody died one day,
While jostling Juliette far away
From crashing curtains in a play
That pulled down on his head.

Rafters rocked as beams broke free,
That caused the drape calamity,
And doused Shakespeare’s soliloquy,
With Branson cloaked and dead.

Juliette jested god of sun
To whip his steeds so they would run
In westward haste, as beams begun
To drop down on the stage.

A Date with Freddy Krueger

On a shivering, windy
spooky night of
Friday the 13th
Freddy Krueger is set up
on a blind date in his
vampire attire outfit
serving for a hot boiling
of cauldron pot dinner
and a spider web
of pumpkin cream pie
for a dessert
through our first meeting
of the encounter
his demand of character
and an outburst of temper
turned me off with such
filled me with a nerve-wracking
with a sense of troublesome
words have no form are
falling from my lips

Two shìps

Slowly reaching out to you
In honesty revealing!
An intimate, but simple touch.
A heavenly kind of feeling.
Eyes of fire, the passion burns.
In a frenzied kind of healing
Quickly we move and accelerate
to consummate our dreaming.
Two rider's on a raging sea,
Two ships pass in the night!
undaunted and unyielding
So ends the lovers plight

Mideast Peace: Oxymoron

Though descendent of Jews,
I feel boggled at the brutal,
nasty and wanton war between
Israelis and Palestinians.

Many innocent victims
bred to know and hate their enemy
impossible mission
to reconcile one Semitic
group of peoples from another.

The bloody English
begat and fomented
debacle between Israelis and Palestinians.
little more than a century ago,
particularly usurping territory
courtesy aggressive premise
might makes right.

Through The Bubblewand

My life: A soda bottle, way too many times shaken
By woes and worries, which made dents and holes
In my tense tin. All the while, they did take in

My substance, a sugar craved in their goals.
Why for so long my voice has been forsaken?
Engulfing my bottled cries, Psalms of souls.

Countless hard twists, tried to cap the fizz
Although I already erupted what I drank!
Now, I gave up trying to down strap the whizz

My Birthday ( Etheree)

A time
Granted us
By God and Mom
To share with us all
Family and good friends
Neighbors and fellow workers
A time to learn, a time to grow
A time to prepare for days ahead
Giving what we can to those that we love

Remember Who We Were?

As I listen to the news of late
I hang my head and wonder,
Whatever has become of us
Have our values gone asunder?

The right can't stand the left
The left can't stand the right,
Instead of trying for common goals
We are ready for a fight.

It goes so far beyond the pale
As we quickly assign the blame,
To neighbors or our former friends
When once we thought the same.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.