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Through The Bubblewand

My life: A soda bottle, way too many times shaken
By woes and worries, which made dents and holes
In my tense tin. All the while, they did take in

My substance, a sugar craved in their goals.
Why for so long my voice has been forsaken?
Engulfing my bottled cries, Psalms of souls.

Countless hard twists, tried to cap the fizz
Although I already erupted what I drank!
Now, I gave up trying to down strap the whizz

As of talking with you, a mind calm and blank
With this sober morn. I gulped a sap that is
Coated with sugar that is however lank.

I learned to abort this rubble spawned,
Like tribulations past were not prone to exist.
By mere mouths, such a double bond

Between us two. I have out flown the mist
By blowing confessions through the bubble wand.
Though bubbly and warm, I have shown my fist. The End.

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Greetings, Eva!
Welcome to Neopoet!
Kudos to such an impressive poem, especially this unique and complex rhyme pattern. The more I study it, the more I respect your commitment.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
Again, welcome!

I love the quirky wistful "nature" of this piece.
Its wonderfully odd !


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