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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Mantra for a better day

So what if you can’t reach any conclusions
choices unsure
direction lost
nothing resolved
peace of mind unattained

Reject self-centered ugly emotion
leave behind wasted energy
opportunities untaken
mistakes fear frozen tracks
self-inflicted pain

As Satch said, never look back
take a stand
be a part of something
maybe catch a little magic in the wink of an eye
a warm sweet smile


How your voice became everything I needed to hear
An accidental meeting formed an unlikely pair
Pleasure was but a fantasy until I became lost in your arms
Placing your soul safely within my heart
You changed me, without knowing, from the start


A dense cloud of anxiousness drenches my being
My vision blurs as toxic tears prevent me seeing
I want to scream, but then swallow it down
My fake facade tries to smile, but displays a frown
Why misery drags me to my knees; I just don’t know
I search for an answer, but have forgot the question
There’s many possibilities, but I’m open to suggestion

From Mother Earth To Her Sky

We are the same, My Lovely, you and I.
Our hearts are light, our souls divinely free.
Though I am Earth, and you, the endless sky,
we are as one, as ever two shall be.

You linger softly far beyond my eyes
where nimbus clouds cover your sapphire face,
and by your magic, raindrops crystallize,
then fall as gentle snowflakes' sweet embrace.

But what of love, Dear? What of sweet delight?
I lie within your sun, your moon, your stars,
release myself to you in wingless flight
while wishing that forever shall be ours.

church hall confession

i do adore your brown eyes. they exude a comforting warmth when I gaze right into them. your every movement is effortless, as though simplicity is your essence. you bring back such a beautiful fragrance. with you, there's no need for pretense; our love remains unspoken, but never gone. your golden locks cascade gracefully to your shoulders, an angelic aura that surrounds you. this lustful love could never fade, believe me, it has tried. your imprint on my heart is indelible, and you are forever mine. please, my beautiful, never leave my side.

All Souls

As souls in purgatory, we wander in the night
Struggling to find a way to the heavenly light
We can't escape these walls of darkness and despair
We must wait for God's mercy to free us from this lair

We seek redemption and a chance to clear our name
A chance to undo our sins and absolve our shame
We can't alter our fate, no matter how we try
We can only hope and pray that God passes us by

Happy, Happy, Happy...

How many ways can I say I love you?
About a billion, zillion
Perhaps you will understand how much
Perhaps you won't, unless I say it again
Yes, I love you, I love you, I love you...


All right Sweetheart, wot are you drinking?
Oh, dear Lord he’s speaking, I’m shrinking.
His Lynx Africa spray hits my nose,
He pumps his pecs, to caveman pose.

Thanks, but I’m waiting for my best friend.
Me too, looks like, we’ve time to spend,
Beautiful girl, I like your fitness.
My mind screams, help me, headline witness.

Like a snail on a rock, he wouldn’t let go,
No matter what I said, he didn’t hear no.
Wot do you do, I mean for a crust?
I didn’t understand, in his language I’m lost.



A table loaded with succulent choices
Roast meat and pies, November fayre
A generous feast, and is fit for a King
But it’s our kind of people here instead
There are millions without daily bread
Such misery that starvation can bring
There’s little sensitivity to such despair
As from afar I still hear hungry voices

I'm Stuck

I haven't written in months.

Some say all poets are sad...
And I can see why that's common.

It's easier to write when you're sad,

At least in my experience.

But lately, I've been okay.

The doctors gave me diagnoses and medications and sent me on my way.

The chemicals in my brain are balancing.
The music in my heart begins to play once more.
Even the birds outside my window begin to sing again.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.