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The stream (all workshops)

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Still smarting from stupid scamming fraudsters...

five months ago to the day

Twas the cusp of tooth thousand
twenty three summer solstice,
when yours truly (a fool
and his money went separate ways)
mine cherished nest egg,
I would immediately miss
lesson immediately learned courtesy takeaways
linkedin with looted
checking and savings accounts
analogously yanked, unmoored and unbridged


What of the
who harvested
my potato?

May his bounty
be given to him
so easily as mine.


The clock whispers
the seconds.

My heart speaks nearly
in the same rhythm.

Two separate poems ~
resting together.


To rise each day, use a curtain alarm,
it saves you from pain and personal harm.
Allows you to arrive at unhurried pace,
and celebrate slowly, coming last in the race.
Each morning a comedy, free of ill humours,
Secured in whispers, not celebrity rumours.

With stories unfolding, innuendos expand,
And every reporter, shakes dysentery hand,
To chat over cow muck, the snake oil salesman,
In game of banter, to buy and sell you again.
But I’m as happy as shit on a rock,
Late out of bed, daylight savings o’clock.

Long Time Marriage

A long time marriage
Brings happiness, joy, and love
Nothing can compare

Yellow leaves
onto the asphalt
with every gust of wind.
Swept up by the passing cars...

through the trees...
Shimmering dew

Mountains on the horizon
The rushing river beneath me
Cool breeze blowing through my hair
Sending autumnal chills across my skin

Winter is beautiful
and so is the Spring
But I love Fall
most of all

of all the lies that i have lived

Of all the lies that i have lived
My favourite
Was the one I made up about you
That you loved me
That you cherished me
That everything you did
Reminded you of me
Even though
This was true of me
And not you
Even though
It was a lie
Of all the lies that I have lived
My favourite
Was the one I made up about you.
- my name is anon (0.ii.ii)

Returning Home

He didn’t take a bullet,
Didn’t step upon a mine...
His body’s still intact,
And he appears to be just fine...

But inside his heart and soul,
Things weren’t as they appeared
His family and his friends,
All think he’s gotten weird...

But there’s now a major hole,
Where his humour used to be...
He’s had two tours of duty,
Or maybe it was three?

He doesn’t sleep at night,
And his days are full of dread...
He can’t shake away the images,
That keep playing in his head...

until the cowed chickens come home to roost!

Sunlight streaming thru window
body electric of mine doth whet
begets hardiness to acclimate
against PECO shut off threat
ideal opportunity to spouse
analogous to her being my emotional pet
snuggling while standing in kitchenette
but accidental twerking
can guarantee yours truly
(me) being recipient of epithet.


Winter snows are here
White soft flakes not to fear
Kids play with such cheer


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.