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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I woke up this morning with the devil by my bed,
“Have a shot of whiskey,” was the first thing that he said...
He poured some in a glass but I turned away in fear,
Then he told me to relax, “Don’t be rude, let’s have a beer...”

He tempted me with power and fame and fortune too,
“You only need to listen when I tell you what to do...
He told me Jesus Christ was nothing but a liar,
“And if you take these little pills, I’ll lift you so much higher...”

Witches with glowing matches

My body frozen like stone
The sweat on my brow falling to the coals

below. My crimson pump vessel ready to leap out
of my dry throat. I can feel the thumping in my ribs
Six penetrating eyes digging into my soul below.

I'm tied to a huge spherical shaped human grill ?
Three angelic looking WITCHES !. They all have

white milky blank stares. Each hue different
Tossing tendrils of hair. one has fire flaming tinge


Who are the children that cry each day
What stories do we need to hear?
The children can't tell their sorrows
They cannot tell us what they fear.

These are the children of abuse
Abuse that happens everyday,
These are the children we must find
Before their abusers have their way.

It might be the child born enslaved
Or the child born of modest means,
It might also be the child next door
With a perfect family, or so it seems.

Depression (an acrostic attempt)

Depression (An acrostic attempt)

D-ark as the night of a starless sky
E-ating your heart out with a passionless cry
P-ressing the moments into cold ambiguity
R-eeling within, with abject insanity
E-ngaging with fear that never will end
S-orry for things, you know will happen again
S-inging sad songs that tug at your heart
I-deals blown to hell as you take the dark part
O-wning your feelings whatever they are
N-ot giving in to your fatalistic cries.

Evolution of a Predator (by: eddy styx)

by: eddy styx

I am of longest night
Most mercurial.
Loving the sound,
Of Autumn leaves
Twisting in the wind
Before the storm.
My song is that
Of the fluttering
Of bat wings,
Like the bounty
Of a thunderhead
From the recesses
Of my daily shelter.
I was born with
The breaking of 3 a.m.
Of the dismal night
That covers me
As I prowl and hunt
The soiled doves
The ladies of the evening.

Mr. Window...

Steaming hot oatmeal
A cup of coffee light
to chase away the cobwebs
gathered in the night

T.V. news and weather girls
Local headlines here
Ads for cleaning products
Some for artificial tears

Gameshows, full of people
looking to make a buck
Sneering fashionistas
getting by with ....s

Who are all these people?
Do they live next door?
I've seen them out my window
Are they bringing us their war?

Future time traveler looks back one century ago

I exhibit health and virility at one hundred and
64 years astride planet earth, whereby spouse,
(who remained married to yours truly for about
one century – which elapsed in blink of an eye)
long since gave up the ghost, which found me
receptive to possible mission to date women
(strong of body, mind, and spirit with frontier
spirit) young enough to be my granddaughter.

Love Of A Lifetime

In the vast expanse of time's embrace,
A love of a lifetime finds its place.
No rules to bind or lines to trace,
Just two souls entwined, a cosmic chase.

No restrictions, no boundaries set,
Just pure connection, no need to fret.
A love that's wild, untamed, and free,
A dance of hearts, for eternity.

Through stormy seas and darkest nights,
Our love burns bright, lighting the heights.
No distance too far, no mountain too steep,
Our love conquers all, forever to keep.

3 AM

Three o'clock;
Cobwebs dangle from exhausted eye lashes.
Sleep eludes me like an outgrown friend,
while memories of you come in flashes.

Loneliness covers me like a quilt,
yet offers no comfort; my emotions it steals
just a breeding ground for open wounds
that time can never heal.

Drinking from my tears,
the taste of sand in my mouth
has been eradicated by their truth,
pushing my mind further South.

One More Tear

Grief comes in waves
So they say

It's more like a tsunami
Or like getting hit by a freight train

It's powerful
Heart stopping
Gut wrenching
Drop to your knees kind of pain

It makes you cry
so hard
you can't breathe

It makes you
so heavy
you can't lift yourself
out of bed

It shocks you
into a state of paralysis

It feels like
can pull you ashore
and rescue you
from the crashing weight of the water

Save for one more tear...


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