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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The fall

Sunlight sparkling on wet leaves and mud
in the chill ache of a December day,
cycling hard to catch you up
I slipped and fell.

My elbow smacked the ground. I heard its bang
but on rising realised only damp
caked on soil and gravel covered
my smarting side.

There was no break, just grazes, dirt and deep
shame that balance had deserted me
along the way.


I found myself a pen pal; he writes back once a week,
And we reveal our inner thoughts; his love, is so unique.
A lonely sort of fellow, but our future has been planned.
In his words, the tale unfolds, to make me understand.

He sent me a message and gave me the code to press,
When we connect, he speaks of love, and ends with a sweet caress.
The boyfriend before Ted, was jealous and controlling.
When I left him forever, the next would be consoling.


Swift moving clouds meet the rain
Now the frost is in the making
Out comes the flakes we love
With designs that are so varied
Snow fall to the ground in abundance
To paint the earth pure white
Ordering the wind to blow harder
Rain finds the frost and mates
Making wind and snow form a storm


No one waits for you
Out in that cold night
Where blindness reigns.
Tomorrow we can wake together
On a bed of elation,
Recounting this white night's

Some Sweet Saviour

In my fragile youth he found me shaking,
like a loveless lily growing wild.
He touched my hollow heart, already breaking,
and nurtured me, his naked, nameless child.

To my eyes he blazed like vision blinding;
beautiful in feature, form and face;
fellowship with him and friendship finding;
I grew up on godliness and grace.

Till those clouds of glory I’d been trailing
died, one day, as Queen Aurora rose.
The youth in me, turned man, whose faith was failing
felt no more, my feelings all had froze.

Second Thoughts About Cremation

I wish there was a physical place to visit.
A place I know I could always find you
to let you know how we are doing.
And maybe to keep you from being lonely
down there among the departed.

Though in this place I’d be climbing
a precarious cliff, trying to get up and over the top
to the other side of without and disquiet.
Once there, I know you’d ask me to stay.


Look not forward.
Look not back.
Focus on today.

Forward, ever-shrinking,
Will erode your will.
Focus on today.

Backward, stretching into haze,
Can lead one to regret.
Focus on today.

Today, here only control exists,
To share a life with those you love.
Focus on today.

White wedding

Silent shadows
slip, slip behind your veil
flashed pastels
paint with tears
on an angel's face
descending now
then rising up again
painfully your heart
will learn how to bend
will then the rain
begin now to cleanse
the stains collecting
upon white satin?

A grandma's kitchen

A special homemade
recipe sweet aroma flavor
permeate the air
of favorite chicken
noodle soup
added with sliced onions,
carrots, vegetables, and tortillas
Yellow cornbread and sweet butter
along with the resistance
making the mouth-watering
for a craving warm delicious meal
bringing to the table
Waiting for the silver spoon and
bowl to be served
filling the tummy with hunger quest
of splendid taste consume
During the holiday season celebration
with a family gathering joy of laughter


Are you not human?
Can you not, in medical grace, see my wounds?
Can you not, in lyrical essence, read my pain?
Do you lack the lawful insight to know my persecutors?
Are you not human enough to express some love?
Is your wisdom insufficient to guide me to peace?
Are you not bestowed enough to allow me to prosper?
Do you not share in the joy that my people are not in sorrow?
Are you not human?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.