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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Leaving On A Train

Destination anywhere,
frozen tears pierce my skin,
as a bitter wind slaps my face.
Much like the memories of you and this place.

Passersby, in ghostly form,
not really here but not really gone.
The train rolls in, like storm clouds in the sky.
I've never been so glad to say goodbye.

The conductor, in his broken down attire,
bids me good day as I board his vessel.
One way ticket to parts unknown,
no turning back once the whistle has blown.


The glow of an luminescence shaped
observing rotating above submerged
but not
out shined by the unlighted cloak of

and ink canvas.Cotton coal clouds
submerging, evolving, manifesting
into silhouette
shapes that seemed out lined traced

the following written
for no particular rhyme nor reason
quite aware the exit (stage door left)
allows, enables, to provide every season
with a bumper crop of dead souls.

Nicola's Story

Sympathy for strangers
Is very curious.
Some have travelled 50 miles
To take a selfie next to a river
Where a woman vanished
One January morning
A mother with a dog

From speculation to rumour
From Innuendo to abuse
Idiots and trolls feeding
A social media frenzy
Rubbernecks tick toking
Ghoulish passers-by with cameras
How appalling we say
No more decency
Meanwhile still posting theories
Conspiracies and selfies

The Final Frontier

Human remains on the moon, huh?
Wealth will buy a lot of arrogance.

That's one small step for man,
one giant slap of irreverence
across the face of the universe.

Meeting My Superhero

I stand tall and strong
like the great mighty mountain
yet, I still feel humble
by your example of inspiration
with your genuine words of advice
to guide me through the difficult time
When life has defeated me
you raise me high
lifting me up to the sky
showing me through
the horizon is unlimited
there are many open doors
Despite when there are turn down
do not let fear be the excuses
to hold back my dreams
embrace with every opportunity
to overcome the obstacles
and beat all the odds

Hear The Music

Last night I wrote the music
About that which I hold dear,
Lasting peace and brotherhood
For all the world to hear.

As the orchestra gets seated
Maestro with baton in hand,
Brings forth the peaceful notes
To be heard across our land.

Horns are first to have their say
Inviting all to hear their peal,
Joyful noise to touch the soul
For all to celebrate and feel.

Leaving on a Train

Leaving on a train, a journey untold,
Through valleys and mountains, my story unfolds.
The whistle blows, its haunting cry,
I bid farewell to the world passing me by.

Windows frame scenes of a fading town,
A stream of colors, reflections abound.
Infinite moments, captured in a glance,
I chase the horizon, taking my chance.

The rhythmic clatter of iron on steel,
Echoes the rhythm of my heart, I feel.
Leaving behind what once was dear,
I embrace the unknown, and conquor my fear.


Before it fades and wastes away,
I'll gather up this dying day,
and tend, with tenderness, its grave,
for which, this poppy I will save.

This crumb of comfort I’ll compress,
immortalise in flower press,
to conjure up this dying day
when it has long since passed away.

And when its sombre sun has set,
this remnant of a raw regret,
I'll bury, in a book of death
to breathe its final, bitter breath.


Picked up sealed orders
at agent central today
Black ops has my number,
they know I don't play.

The field where I shine
a plane ride makes near
Air France is landing
unloading my gear

Long deep intake of breath
slowly expel out the mouth...
Quiet steps following
From north country headed south.

Catching site of my prey
in the blue ice fields cold.
Glare stabs watering eyes,
I am now shielded in time.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.