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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Family Feud

Kids bickering
Parents join the battle
Love and hate tightly intertwined

In His Clutches

Smiling your smile
Spitting curses and lies

Breathing in your words
And exhaling the smoke

Foaming at the mouth
I’ve consumed the poison

Falling into your trap
No means of escape

Chained and barred
From life itself

Keys just out of reach
Held down by your thumb

Picking the lock
With my own bones

Observing The Canvas Of Nature

Pitta patter rain and reflection slapping shoes
Snake lights wrapped around ancient chipped poles.
Unlit reaching branches and church shaped missile ready

to launch in silhouette shadows. Claw tapping on weathered
pavements hushing winds guiding me along



Sometimes when things just do not go to plan
And it all seems to be falling apart
Redouble efforts as much as you can
And if necessary, make a new start

There are some who will always press ahead
And there are others who may just give up
Or frustrated, change direction instead
Resigning themselves to a half-full cup

Unlike those who quitted when failure loomed
There is a special force that fires the blood
Original focus can be resumed
More productive than just chewing the cud

Disneyland dreams

Get in the car dammit!
I don’t care if you fed the cat.
We’re going to Disneyland,
and that’s that.

We’ll pick up Ma
at a quarter past six.
We can’t be late,
she’ll be totally ticked..

Hey you in the back,
shut your enormous trap.
Stop with your yammering
you're going to get slapped!

I told you once,
I won’t tell you again.
You should’ve pissed
before we began.

When we make it to Ma’s
don’t quibble or pout.
The rest of the trip
will be non-stop.

The Unsung Heroes

The scorching sun can't be compared to the pains he succumbed to. So overpowered with virtuous courage and so he can beat every uncertainty.

Strong boldly spelt over a beautifully smiled face with so many untold wounds piping rough edges of memories in his brain.

Devastated he could have been but his might in courage strongly held him up.

Strong and courageous merely words to many but him a ride he has bestowed upon himself. Voyage that can't be stolen from him.

Running Shoes

I'm not much of a runner.
But I've traveled long distances
trying to stay ahead
of the grief in my thoughts.

I don't see it as an adversary anymore.
It's simply trying to keep pace
with how I miss you now.

Rosemary, a girl in a woman's body, a fool-hardy-soul
someone who leapt without looking. my so called good friend.
Who dropped Purple Haze into my cooled cup of morning tea,
well knowing my innocence would come to a celluloid end.

Rosemary picked our program for the days events
It was her turn to plan our outing this time.
I told her I had not seen the heart of the city
and I was not sure I wanted to see all of that grime

Formidable flourishing fiends...

harangue since landing
yours truly immersed
in a dream-like
fiercesome state of war,
not quite a dream
can be described
as a "hypnagogic state"
while virtually in Singapore,

where Katy Perry
namesake of a lion doth roar
noise amplified courtesy dissonance
while nine inch nails synthesize
scraping across chalk board
evoking discordant soundcloud
foo fighting beastie boys
comprising a quatuor.


When the last fish is eaten,
From a billionaire's raised fork,
And the water is poison,
Will humans become pork?

When money's merely paper,
With pictures of our past,
On plastic-painted vapour,
The future comes too fast.

When the final tree dies,
And Earth turns to dust,
Lay down, never rise,
Stay silent, in death, we trust.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.