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Clerihew Number 2 - King Charles 1.

King Charles the first
Was considered the worst
So they cut off his head
Till he was dead.

My Favorite Mystery Books

Characters emerge
Gripping my mind with fear
My heart now pounding

Dream Catching

If I could catch my dreams
All the ones that made me smile,
I would wrap them in a memory
And save them for a while.

Perhaps that small Pacific isle
It was nineteen ninety two,
The sun, the sand, and palm trees
The beach and me and you.

There was that cabin in the woods
Snow capped mountains all around,
We slept before the fires flame
Quiet nights without a sound.

London first, then on to Paris
Notre Dame and then the Louvre,
Wonders up and down the Seine
None more wondrous than you.


your life,
was like a night game
played out in the rain...

your love,
like fabled moths
flying to the flame...

your heart,
like a songbird
trapped in a gilded cage...

your soul,
a wounded animal
twisted in pain and rage...

just your precious being
setting both our souls afire
touching and in reach...

your eyes, spoke to me
of the tiniest desire,
as you ran out of speech...

Target Practice

I was with a woman
some time ago, who wore her love
like a pistol on her hip.

With her suspicious heart for ammunition,
one inevitable wrong move by me
and I was going to be done for.

Pretty soon I stopped
trying to avoid her aim.
She had already put holes
where we needed to breathe.

The Killing Floor

As lambs to the slaughter
men and women in order
will grow old and eventually die.
Their hopes and dreams,
and peculiar schemes,
will be left here to wither and die.
Warehoused in masses, prepare for a thrashing
which begins with your childrens denial.
Forgotten in boxes
down long empty hallways.
Your wish by your own design.
You built your life hoping
a dream to invoke.
A small gesture of love from a child,
but only received,
from your children it seems,
something far less than a smile!.

The Reckoning

Part 1

Into the night; the bone chilling, bloodiest part of the night;
wearing the skulls of enemies past, silently they crept.
Checking their list like good St.Nick, the last one wept.
Who knew Karma would turn up such a fright?

Heads wrapped in burlap, wrists tied with wire,
into the van they go like lambs off to slaughter.
Silently, she waits; her father's jaded daughter.
Never again would they make her out to be a liar.

I feel under the weather today February 19th, 2024

Substantial portion, viz
the lion's share
of the following poem
written June 10th, 2018.

Unseen enemy invades my body
with platoon of green berets air
rating, and enfilading immune system viz
Hub bully knock and sock kin me
courtesy roebuck seers sucker punches
mightier than stormy daniels wallop
from an indomitable
haversack being carrying
courtesy giant bully bear,
whereby cyclopean ogre

Ghostly Graveyard Warning

When the pumpkins turn orange and maples turn red –
When the full moon is yellow and huge overhead;
When October night winds bring a chill to the air –
Never walk in a graveyard at midnight - Beware!

When the crickets stop chirping and bats screech and fly –
When a black cat appears in the wink of an eye;
When the trees look like figures that both point and stare –
Then avoid every churchyard at midnight - Beware!


I do not speak so why should they
Spout lies and filth from day to day.
Sad creatures full of bigots views
Bring misery to those they choose.

Do you heed or pay no mind?
To worthless voice, words unkind;
Spiteful barbs shot day to day
Bring misery like whips to flay

The flesh from off a victim's back
The blood to seep from weeping cracks.
Poor creatures bowed by heartless scum
Who leave their deadened bodies numb.


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