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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


To live and fall

There is no spring without a winter,
You can never appreciate sunshine without the rains.
You can never climb mountains without a fear inside you,
Of what you will lose or could possibly gain.

To become a man takes virtue. Not just rules or that gentleman's touch.
Descent into danger, just choices by far too many or maybe one to much.
The wisdom of my success was always around me. I'm my mind, spirit, heart and soul.
But failing life, it's beauty and my expectation. that's my sin and that I should of controlled

Give and Take

I was no different than anyone else. Not really unique;
in that I was made, in part, from pieces of others I’ve known,

friends and family mostly. Those still here,
and welcome spirits who seem content to stay.

Also, there were a few women I loved at one time or another.
Although, some of them took a few pieces with them.

Good News

Good news
Given today
From my wife’s doctor
Relieves my mind from the worst thought
Thank God

What my best friend gave me-A Friendship Rose Bloom

A lovely radiant rose
you are my dearest friend
that I come to know
with the exquisite beauty

In the splendor view
of the green growing field
with the soft petal touch
of the blooming flourish

That never ceases to exude
with its vibrant color
that you bring to share
with your uplifting spirit soul

An elegant poise smile
and amicable personality
that captures with hope and joy
through the darkness of time

Hello From Mother Nature...

You would think by my destruction
of your little domicile
That I don't care for you
my little ragged child

But it's not true, I love you
you've just gotten in my way
I'm blowing out the bad air
built up from yesterday

What you don't understand
is, I'm cleaning up the mess
the stuff that makes me dirty
clinging to my dress

You pollute my sparkling oceans
trash is eaten by my fishes
You leave garbage everywhere
served on plastic dishes

To Janice With Love...

As her voice rose to the stars
and filled my waiting ears
raw emotion took me places
I hadn't been in years

Back to days of happy times
when my heart was whole
unhurt by shattered dreams
built with another soul

I cried for all the times
I left her all alone
waiting through the night
beside a silent phone

The blue roughness of her voice
spoke of promises unkept
and as she sang of love
I hung my head and wept

Idle Intelligence

Hello. Sir,
I’m afraid
I must concur.

Madness gave birth,
Excuse the mess!
This is our planet earth.

Why? you curiously ask,
it changes hourly
Best have a compass or flask.

Insanity has an erection,
If you ask me abstain
It is the best form of protection.

The sane are now quiet,
So, thinking is unorthodox
where is a leader to try it

Instead of being open minded,
We gave our minds to reporters
Who assumed we didn’t mind it.


I said my goodbyes to cut a path
down the black snake like winding

A sound of screeching invades my
ear holes
the further I walk . I froze so did
my thumping heart. My
eyes flicked alert.

Scanning the midnight
masked curtain i fixated on the
eerie distraction.

It was an old mischievous squeaking
leisurely swaying back and forth then

Bile starts running up my throat my
body starts to shake.
My stomach wants to
chuck my left over McDonald's up.

What's in a motive?

Motives move like lightning
down a broken path.
Or lift us as an angel
over the aftermath.
They change just like the seasons
first here and then they're gone.
We can't retrace their meaning,
they sing mercurial songs.
Their heart it dwells with heaven,
but sing an awkward tune.
Relying on forgivness
to finally reign them in.
As children we once understood,
what it was, that we should do.
Living then with innocent hearts
a gift that saw us through!

A Father Is A Girl's Best Friend!

Neopoet Contest: What my best friend gave me

Love from the "get go" on day one!
Do not remember I only heard tales
of the happy hours spent awake with you,
you smiled at me, fair winds set my sails.

You picked me up when I stumbled and fell
dusting me off, you wiped away my tears
assuring me I had done no wrong.
You were always there to chase away my fears.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.