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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Destined to be love's fool
Used and abused until I'm a blunt tool.
Like the serpents of old that spit and drool
Love swallows me whole
As ancient majestic snake do
Just to cough me out into her chamber pot
Where I am but one with her stool,
Reduced to nothing but sadness and rot,
I wallow in her slime and grime
To find rock bottom there were hell lies
In my sad state, heaving heavy sighs
I can't help but stare into her remorseless eyes
Where upon I glimpse a terrible beauty in her hate

Did I

I sat along this river bank, did I,
noticed the way the water weaves
from north to south so casually
as if it had nowhere to be.

I walked these wooded paths, did I,
and pondered on the speckled leaves
that fell to earth so gracefully
as if in homage to the tree.

I listened to the dove, did I,
the wren, the jay, the cheeky crow
who sounded delightful and carefree
as if they could sing endlessly.

Spring Comes

Fields of springy clover
beneath my barefoot toes,
dance-happy feet kick up
a delight everyone knows!

Green, green all around,
a heart full of joys untold
rolling over and over in
nature's paradise hold!

In gardens of my growing hopes
tulips, buttercups and crocus
flourish healthily blossoming,
as Spring comes into focus.


“He loves me”
“He loves me not”
I say on the playground,
peeking at the flower to see.

12 years later
“Does he want me or what?”
“I don’t understand”
What a traitor.

I didn’t really change
I just evolved
From this loving little girl
To a teenage estranged

I’m told not to care
“It’ll pass you see”
But what if I don’t want it to pass?
It’s not fair.

A magical Missouri Spring!

In the cool,
of canyon breezes
sun shines down,
the wind it teases
insects flying,
round n' round,
above old toad,
who makes no sound
painted turtle falls
from mossy log
while giant swallowtails flutter,
far above
a jay hawk soars,
invokes a native prayer
as he inhales,
damp Missouri air.


Cocktail blue stabbing skies
and gold pillars of pouring light
Coming from a fiery scorching
above. A mob of angry yellow jacket

wasps and some monk humming bees
hovering over the splashed colour flowers
and shrubs. Towers and skyscrapers
nut brown trees and reaching shades
Nature puts on its earthy seasoned
perfume. The jade green grass rolls
down its
silk striped sleeves. The ferns shows
us their ever

Lapsed contra dancer rediscovers his happy place

I tip figurative hat to the late Cathy Robertson, longtime (lifetime) Thomas Paine Unitarian Church member, who unwittingly and quite casually made mention of contra dancing, which inopportunely, inextricably, and inaccurately linkedin to The Contras who were various United States backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that were active from 1979 to 1990 in opposition to the Marxist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction Government in Nicaragua, which had come to power in 1979 following the Nicaraguan Revolution.

Illusion of Equality

Anger coursing through my veins
At the injustices that surround
'Equality for all' a fine idea
One that the world resounds

I suppose it's equality at work
When you look at the labor force
Instead of looking any better
The statistics are looking worse

A man curses in public
He is applauded, but
A girl says the same thing
And she's dubbed a slut

Parents teach their boys
To fight for themselves
The girls are trained
To wish their bullies well

Dutch Delights

Early spring, is there a better time?
For me the answer must be "no".
Birds arrive with songs anew,
The flora starts to slowly grow.

If I had to pick my favorite sight
To mark spring's early gift,
It would be the tulips peeking out
Through snow's waning final drift.

They grow on every continent
With beauty they cannot hide,
From bulbs of Turkish origins
Standing tall with floral pride.

A Long Way

She couldn't have been farther away.
Even though we were sleeping
here, next to each other.

Slow on the draw, to be sure,
it just took me some time
to get better at recognizing
what empty looked like.

And I understand now
just how far away far away can be
when it’s there in front of you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.