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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Thin Skinned... (the Coward!)

When asked a simple question
she becomes defensive and mean,
preferring to be hidden away
obscured, behind the scene.

When measured against the many
she feels inadequate and small,
striking out against her rivals
fear precedes her, ahead of her fall.

Wracked with strong emotions
she knows her stories are trite.
Naysayers beware of her vice...
Striking first, before the fight!

It’s not me, it’s you

It’s finally over
Not even a long run
My tears trickle slower
All into one

I couldn’t help my desire
My desire for you
My cravings were dire
And nothing but true

So I turn to my pen
And I turn to my pad
Cause they’re here for me when
When everything’s sad

Tho they couldn’t stop the tears,
they could stop the agony
But they helped drag my fears
Back from that balcony

Prosaic Memories

Winter looms near, another year has come and gone without you
I dread the shortest day, marking when I said my last farewell
Sometimes I still behold you in my dreams
Revisiting memories that once seemed so prosaic


Assiduous Beliefs

How much of life do we think we control
Destiny is preordained beyond interpretation
Choices are the test. For solidarity the peace of mind and soul

Belief in ones purpose is the hardest road

Pronouncement is simply the faith that we are here to learn
Pronouncement is simply the Proclamation of why we are born

Belief is the only part of life we control


Finally I feel I'm coming together
no longer affected by the weather
to stand
to think
not run or swim
neither care if fat or thin
judgemental eyes
that see my lies
will look again and realise
the image that they thought
they knew
was merely just a different view.
they may stop
pause and wonder
but no one now
can steal my thunder.
for I've dug deep
and turfed them out
those feelings I had
of self doubt.
I've buried them
smoothed them over

At The Library

Books embrace me on all sides.
Large print, teens, newly issued.

It is quiet, yet the conversations between
the covers speak with bold enthusiasm.

Humor and drama unfold together
like mating butterflies...

I know not where one ends
and the other begins. Rows and rows

of poetry, science fiction. And, oh,
romance stories whispering just

beneath their paperbacks, dripping in
lingering kisses, with graceful necks sweeping

SAFELINK TracFone synonymous...

Dear SafeLink Customer,
(one of the many recipients includes me).

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is ending, and April 2024 will be the last fully funded month for your benefits if Congress does not provide additional funding.

The gift of pain

They say wisdom is the gift of pain,
The lesson learned from what has been lost or gained.
The knowledge of the path that's a person once lead.
The thoughts engraved like a chisel to stone. Laying deep within our head.

My knowledge, experience my wisdom was once for told,
He knew before it did, But I felt it through my body right down to the tips of my toes.
Like a surge of electricity the thought came to me. "Don't travel this journey"
But in my heart I needed to be free.

Forthwith the night

Forthwith the night
once hidden in your eyes
passion makes its way along
to grant sleepless desire
lovers make their way
thru the darkened shire
as passion quickly flares
pitting fire, against fire
in the light of perspirations glow
the heaving of a sigh
giving birth to adoration
revealed within, the slightest smile
we long for brash acceptance
selfishly exhuming, our desire
where copulate we lay
to bring to life, to sire!

Alone vs lonely

You make me cry
But that’s not unusual
I’ll survive
It’s fine.

You make me mad
That’s common too
I’ll survive
It’s fine.

You make me anxious
An everyday occurrence
I’ll survive
It’s fine.

You make me fearful
You make me jealous
You make me hate myself
I’ll survive
It’s fine.

I can deal with all that
At the end of the day
Cause all I want you to do
Is stay.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.