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my feet are loved.

I would like to welcome you
a third Canadian poet
from or of Canada here
one is the greatest Esker

I rarely read epicurial poems
as my appetite is tight
but your maiden one
i had to make an exception

i saw a gal on the beach alongside another
almost in nothing
bikini under sand immersed
instead of in water

your poem flashed by
and made me sigh
I just can't say why
in memory she flew by


Some days I soak my feet in your shallow cool water
and my feet are loved.

My toes splash in the puddle left by last night’s rain fall,
creating a spot of envy burning on the soft white flesh just above my ankles.
It won't wash away.

The skin that runs the length of ankles to calves,
slightly tanned having been subject to your peace place sun café 7 a.m. good mornings,
is even more desirous of those tiny toes.

It begrudges my feet their puddle love play.

S l u m b e r S e n c h


the stillness
no brisk

everything at the edge

exhale bids of steam

a ruin house of knowing
sharpened like the best
speaks with invisible

The Lesson of the Greedy Double Dater

My friends, this saga slowly unfurls
a love story that went quickly awry,
seems greedy Bob dated a pair of girls
when with one, to the other he’d lie.

The homlier girl’s name was Edith
who, nonetheless Bob was fond of,
but, greedy Bob wanted to live out the “myth”
and with sisters, he was sure to find love !

He began slyly asking about sister Kate
for her beauty was equalled by few,
she was young, and he believed her well worth the wait
she had enough sex appeal for two !

He Changed Me

The man upstairs has changed my life a work that was originally started from within
I really don't think about what my world was like or how things could have been
Jesus has been my major supporter not a BFF he has really been a good friend
If I leave this earth tomorrow there is one thing I know for sure
How great the Lord has been to me my rock, my shelter, my protector
I will have no doubts about this in the end.

fat priests: the moon

little guilts and luscious lies
sweetmeats of imagination:
gifts for globulous priests
fat bellied, heavy men

sin eaters

banquet of imperfections
heralded by faith
chocolate box of judgement.
I watch the moon rise.

doorframe... By Esker/ for Great Poetry workshop.

black room
and beyond white window
the thin shade
blurring the shapes

and settling into the low
front moving

dialing up the numbers
with easy fingers
and looking at the
crack in the wall travelling
from the doorframe
to the lamp hanging

not expecting
not expecting you



I wear jeans and tees
buzz my own hair
eat over the kitchen sink
...while smoking
(far beyond age appropriate)
but I don' t remember choosing these things

preferring solitude,
(a homebody for sure)
I hardly ever think of sex
sleep whenever I want
hardly ever think of sex
love waking with nothing to do
hardly ever think of sex
would anyone actually choose this

sometimes, I think I'm happy
although, never quite sure.


The thrill of the chase
satin and lace

The ecstasy of being caught
wedding dress sought

The miracle of first born
christening gown, already worn

The sadness of divorce
dressed for hearse

The alcoholic

Can you not see them
laughing at you

Not your friends
nor your enemies
They just do not care

Stumble over to them
Hit your head on the floor
keel over

They laugh
You lie their
Bruised forehead

They laugh even more
The story.Good for dinner parties
Social gatherings, pub nights

Given more to drink,
your voice slurring,
you weave over to the pool table
Bumping into it,
Using the cue upside down


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