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roving down the corridors of a hospy i looked around u ok v ok

Are you okay

get well soonest
shall miss your lovely comments
get well soon
now rest

the world shall move on
till you return
I shall keep the windmill alive...
shall ensure that the sun does also rise
to the correct second
shall also direct it to go down under
to enable you to sleep sounder
the guys playing music loud
will be attached to a cloud
and then they will soar away
and clarinets for heavens angels only play

Broken Heart

A heart never broken
pristine and sterile
I pity their perfection
their memories futile

An unbroken heart
has not life experience
has not taken part
never suffered a grievance

A broken heart is a lesson
hard to learn but needed
its a beautiful blessing
hopefully not oft repeated

A broken heart gives us
strength and compassion
empathy a welcome plus
wearing it on my sleeve, fashion

Strumpet Street Folks

Strumpet Town Folks

Strumpet street in a tired carnival town,
all are ready for their time on the lash.
intrepid young man acting the clown,
ladies of the night look out for his cash.

Danger is crackling in a corner street bar,
innocence could very well be a price.
Intoxication comes not only from the jar,
street ladies have pretence to sell nice.

Farewell, Gaston


My uncle, Gaston,
mum's older brother,
died whilst I cradled him
in the crook of me arms.

He lay there bliss-filled
Faint lustre of his boyhood charms.

It was a waiting game
and he was hanging on.
He held back the Ripper's blade,
Unmindful that he'd had it made.

I whispered in his ear
About the good times,
our common dreams:
how it was okay to let go;
to forgive & be forgiven.

Then off he floated, by candle's glow;
like the silent flutter of wispy snow.


Indifference unsheaths its bitter
As mercy gathers her ruinous
The joker jests in courts of
A king he laughs at mistress
Envy fancies his moldy coat
As pride recites the songs he
Clairvoyance struck blind--
Her vision beneath
As deceit he grins though
Rotton teeth
As doubt drinks from the
Bitter cup
Greed will empty it--then
Fill it up
Vision blinks--eyes full of
As a lie and fear walk hand
In hand

Valentine's day 2013

Love is jealous,Love is zealous
Love's possessive,Love's obsessive
Love desires, Love requires
Love requests, and love tests
Love has wants and Love can haunt
Loves no pleasure,Love doesn't treasure
Love's a fuss, Love's just lust
Love's a curse which comes with a purse
Love is a word,so seldom heard
Love makes you low if love doesn't grow
Love's sometime sung. Loves not for one

I Missed the Ferry

My mind lept laughing into the air
The ferryman left without me
The cold closed in around my frame
I shall trying to write again

In my ears Irish songs swell
They make my heart full
Meanings of life simply put
Wait I see a bird on the feed table

Things we would miss, far away
The simple lives that we lead each day
Where torment flows high over my head
I now stoop to hear what the child said

Behind the Tyler-Tickletoes’ big, farm-house,
not far from the old graceful fig tree’s leaves,
amongst the long stems of green, wild-oat grass,
lives Fat-Freddy, the frog, and his best mate, Old-Jeeves.

The sort of green frogs one sees any day,
they’re both of the garden variety,
brought to the back yard by Tiny-Tommy
from the lake near the town, in another story.

Haiku - choking

I'm gasping for air
palpitating hearts rhythm
calm is conceded


Waves cascade against the shore
relaxation to my very core
always leaves me wanting more
the sea to me, is never a bore

Whispers from sea shells
Wafting by, sea smells
casting a magic spell
my heart and soul swell

Sitting here is just bliss
enjoying sea air's sweet kiss
not a moment I want to miss
Feels like paradise, this


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