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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

I am

Unscathed by decisions made
Knowing no one will relate
How I behave is the effect
Subliminal silence
Tattoos. Artistic dialect
Chemical vibrance
As I place pieces of my soul
Into poems untold
Hidden behind what I reap
I've sown an impression of deep


I see you sitting over there
holding grandson in your arms
in your old Boston rocking chair
captured by an infant's charms

And I've seen that look before
years and decades in the past
contentment, love and so much more
a look I thought whose time had passed

So grandmadonna rock that child
the tiny son of second son
sing to him with pure voice, mild
another journey has begun


cascade this blade of light
sharpening the eyes
your stare finds me
through the thicket
and dream wicket

How you lead me
transfixed through resolutions
of moods and emotions

how far i travel
you find me with
a look a call

the delicate footfalls
behind me in my
labyrinth halls

to lean against
an arm
and feel this
soft length hair

alive like the worlds
winter wonder
in the morning
arctic air

Legally Tender


The key of currency
is the changing of hands,
a baton passed on
in constant motion
that binds together
all its participants.

A fresh, crisp bill
is a virgin still,
between your fingers
whose anticipation
and epic journey
are yet to unfold.


By Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake

Here the walker suddenly meets the giant
oak tree, like a petrified elk whose crown is
furlongs wide before the September ocean's
murky green fortress.

Northern storm. The season when rowanberry
clusters swell. Awake in the darkness, listen:
constellations stamping in their stalls, high
over tree tops


an arras of
coloured droplets in living water
stretching through eternity
intricately and intractably intertwined

each whole a portion of
undivided entirety
winking in and out
quickly, ineffably
freezing, as

unable to keep fast a single moment
thoughts and deeds
even while being processed and consummated
have elapsed

I n d i g o ...


monsoon bathe
the depths swarm
down streets churning
in the oily lamps

sweeping trash and gutters
with its passion

lay lost while the world
asunder groans
in the winds
a dark brow in the light
like an arch of night
and lashs restless
when the rain throws
itself against the rooftops


Look at my pecker, it's erect
standing proud and tall
it has quite a startling effect
if it's seen at all

And it has a dark red head
much more red than most
(oh yeah, I named my pecker Fred)
Fred's most startling I must boast

He likes to plunge into tight holes
he plunges in then plunges out
all ins and outs demand high tolls
for he must, in doing, remain stout

Portait Of Judith

Slowly I take my pencil and draw
the first lines of her sweet face
Little by little, she begins to take form
I sketch in her eyes, and they now speak to me

I begin to talk with her as I work
"There you are, Judith"
She is becoming real to me
Nearly alive again, but forever still

For I cannot recreate her soul
I must get this one just right
Her Mother awaits to see her again
The child she has not seen since the day


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