Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

The alcoholic

Can you not see them
laughing at you

Not your friends
nor your enemies
They just do not care

Stumble over to them
Hit your head on the floor
keel over

They laugh
You lie their
Bruised forehead

They laugh even more
The story.Good for dinner parties
Social gatherings, pub nights

Given more to drink,
your voice slurring,
you weave over to the pool table
Bumping into it,
Using the cue upside down

legally entitled views

on second thought
legal tender
could have been construed
as legal money

but legally tender
is all about any honey,

anyone can so decide
these metaphorical views
which are impossible to hide".

you have had a say
your way
but folks will see your implications
their own personal way,

so take away or give in
what is this?
but a delight which resides
in the inner hearts recesses
of a poet deep within


ere the dream weighing heavy
we drag the stones in candle lit tombs
on wagons like thrones

cathedrals on mutton and mead
and in the morning washed with the
thin light like a supple soup
we bathe in stone cold rivers
the dust like ghosts we shed

laughing or in stillness while the
sheep stir and the sheperds ease
eyes on the gold of a sunrise

the wolves away for starlight ventures
and the masons in their aprons talc
fingered on blueprints to scaffolds
that would make Babel proud

haps I should have learned to swim better
maybe it wasn't so smart to paddle out
in a fifteen foot cyclone surf
on a foam board
Mum and Dad
will be so mad
I wonder if
I'll get in trouble?
They say your life
flashes before
your eyes
when you die
this shouldn't
take long,
I'm only

ESSENCE-ESKER-Workshop-Great Poetry

Submitted by Esker on Wed, 2013-01-23 04:48
Rain is speaking
beneath the sky
a paper roams
indifferent filling dark
eyes on font

subtle soft like chalk

a dampness clinging
full of illusions

the pains of growth
healed and broken

I remember our river
chilled with the spring
the slush flowing swift
like blossoms of winter

gardens of lush


The damned off switch doesn't work
images play on and on
appearing unexpectedly
they flash up at night, noon and dawn

And the volume is full blast
endlessly assaulting my tired ears
interrupted by that ringing sound
so loud it nearly causes tears

Pictures of death I can't turn off
sounds of agony at night
and I just can't find the off switch
somehow that just don't seem right

The belly buddies

Lala was the female front for twiggy belly buddy
Twiggy married lala to pretend normality

So no one knew that twiggy had nefarious activities
For twiggy was a gay bod but he didn’t want to be

Viewed like all the other men who were belly buddies
Ostracised and criticised for their sexuality

Poor lala traipsed with twig for all the world to see
While dips and po hide in the background happy as can be

For lala does not know that she is just a pseudo front
A pretend wife whose only use is just to bear the brunt



in shock

Why didn’t I knock?

You could have locked the door
or was that part of the thrill
knowing you’d be caught for sure
If looks could kill
She’d be underground
I’m trying to keep my temper bound
I thought both of you were my best friend
now of course that has to end


in shock

Why didn’t I knock?

those precious moments

those precious moments we search for
in the far recesses of our warped minds
we keep searching for solace,
as we leave time behind


march towards a stage
where rage

is the order of the day

page by page
we recall those very moments tall
we wish to time and again recall
but moments of momentum
are all so very few
we all love memories
how so ever old or new

Learning to fly

I am dark and fierce, full of shadow
bolt and lock the inner door
pebble water river poem
heart ease pale distraction
placed in haste totally at random
verbal stepping stones
but where-
to place my feet

my battered thesis curls with dust
academic failure cackles on the floor -
I thought I would be famous


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