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Write a love letter to the sky

Precious of love, it remains
in memory
through the intertwined soul
of the far distance reign
Lost in the emotional wave
Soft breeze maintains
Bitterness comes into place
Echo of reminiscing embrace
Each heartbreak, it stays in silent
Streaming tears fill the eyes
with deep soul pain
Transcend into despair
that set us apart, in this world
Until we meet again
when destiny brings us
back with rekindle of light
with the promise of time
Like heaven and earth
made for each other
In a boundless and endless
traveling journey
through the guiding star
to be reunited forever

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively uses metaphor and imagery to convey a sense of longing and love. However, there are areas where clarity could be improved.

1. The poem could benefit from more consistent punctuation. For example, the line "Precious of love, it remains" could be more clearly understood with added punctuation or restructuring.

2. The phrase "of the far distance reign" is somewhat ambiguous. Consider revising for clarity.

3. The poem's rhythm varies, which can disrupt the reader's flow. Consider revising for a more consistent rhythm.

4. The phrase "Tears of streaming fill the eyes" could be restructured for better understanding. Perhaps "Tears streaming, fill the eyes" or "Streaming tears fill the eyes" would convey the intended meaning more clearly.

5. The lines "Like heaven and earth / made for each other" introduce a new metaphor that could be expanded upon for greater impact.

6. The final line "to be reunited forever" could be more powerful if it were more specific. Consider what the speaker and the sky are uniting for or against.

Overall, the poem has a strong emotional core and uses imagery effectively. With some revisions for clarity and rhythm, it could be even more impactful.

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