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Are we there yet?

Life is like a journey
that takes us to different
path of emotional rides
it fills with joy of laughter
sorrow of tears
ups and downs
we stand to abide by
the witnessing of life
with the matter of given choices
to embrace with opportunity
make the best out of it
to never take anything
for granted to find
with an excuses
live life to the fullest
carry a memory of
a legacy to remember
until the final day
when we come to ask ourselves
Are we there yet?
to make the decision
that reflect our mind
without any regret

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Hello, Hon,
Great thoughts - make the best of life and never take anything for granted. I like the build up in this. I wonder, after such a build up, if the question "Are we there yet?" would be even stronger if it were the final line? Just my thought / suggestion.
Thank you!

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