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She has the prettiest little face,
She has the cutest nose
But most of all the bits I love
Are her wriggly little toes.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "A SILLY DITTY" employs a simple and straightforward structure, which is effective for its light-hearted and playful tone. It uses a traditional AABB rhyme scheme, which contributes to its rhythmic quality and readability.

In terms of content, the poem is focused on the physical attributes of a person, specifically their face, nose, and toes. The use of diminutive adjectives such as "prettiest", "cutest", and "wriggly" adds a layer of affection and endearment to the poem. However, the poem could benefit from a deeper exploration of the subject. While the physical attributes are charmingly described, the poem could provide more insight into the subject's character or the speaker's relationship with them to create a more profound emotional impact.

The last line, "Are her wriggly little toes," adds a surprising and humorous twist to the poem. This line breaks the pattern of focusing on more conventional features (face and nose) and adds an element of unpredictability to the poem. However, the use of the word "wriggly" may not be the most effective choice. While it does convey a sense of movement, it may not be the most descriptive or evocative word to describe toes. Consider exploring other adjectives that could provide a more vivid or unique image.

Overall, the poem is successful in its simplicity and humor, but could be enhanced by a deeper exploration of its subject and more careful word choice.

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Thanks Mark, knocked this off sometime ago and I seem to recall there was another one in there that I took out. Can't remember what it was now. Alex

author comment

Hello, Alex,
i agree with Mark - this is delightful and refreshing! Makes me smile, too!
Thank you!

Thanks L, I like to try and bring a chuckle from time to time. Alex

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