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He sat and wrote,
Could not say why,
Just sat and wrote
Till the day he died.
And should you stop
To ask him why he sits and writes
He'll answer: 'Why?

I cannot say
But deep inside
Tales evolve, I dare not lie;
Tales of innocence
Lust so pure,
Tales of passion
Love demure'.

None can cease the trembling hand,
For centuries now from countless lands
The words spew forth to tell of lives
To prise men's secrets,
Pens like knives.

He's gone now, gone,
To who knows where.
Through heavens gate.
To Satan's Lair,
But still he pens by Saint Peter's Light
Or the Devil's Glow
From furnace bright.

His fingers fly across the page
Ne'er to cease nor calm his rage;
One day perhaps all will be clear
Till then, read on
Feed off his fears.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "THE POET" presents a vivid image of a writer who is compelled to write, even beyond death. The theme of the poem is clear and the narrative is consistent, which is commendable.

However, there are areas where the poem could be improved. Firstly, the rhythm of the poem is inconsistent. Some lines have a clear rhythmic structure, while others do not. For example, the line "Tales evolve that must have life" has a different rhythm to the previous lines. This inconsistency can disrupt the flow of the poem.

Secondly, the use of cliches such as "heavens gate" and "Satan's stairs" detracts from the originality of the poem. While these phrases are easily understood, they are overused in literature and do not add anything new to the poem. Replacing these cliches with more original descriptions could enhance the poem's uniqueness and impact.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from more concrete imagery. While the poem does a good job of describing the act of writing, it lacks specific details that could make the poem more engaging. For example, instead of saying "His fingers fly across the page", the poem could describe the sound of the pen scratching against the paper, or the way the ink stains the page.

In conclusion, while the poem has a clear theme and narrative, it could be improved by establishing a consistent rhythm, avoiding cliches, and incorporating more concrete imagery.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Alex,
This is so relatable! The passion of a poet will be eternal, and will follow him...wherever!
Thank you,

Thanks L, and for once I have to agree with AL and I shall do some editing later. Alex.

author comment

Of emotions through one's have captured the essence of this with your poem. Well done!


Thank you Rose, a bit of tweaking to do but apart from one line I am not happy with, and never was, that AL picked up on I was quite pleased. Alex.

author comment

Liked my new one for a change. Usually it has nothing positive to say.


I don't usually let AL comment. It always seems the same stuff, Usually about getting deeper, not taking into account the fact you only have 32 lines. Still his comments this time were valid. I have read your latest but I'll need to read it a few more times then try to be objective. Alex.

author comment

I was stunned by the words comprised of this poem, it made me reread it. such beautiful lines... every word perfectly placed! My favorite lines, if I had to choose, are:

He's gone now, gone,
To who knows where.
Through heavens gate
To Satan's lair,
But still he pens by Saint Peter's Light
Or the Devil's Glow
From furnace bright.

*who knows what awaits...
Great work, I would not change a word!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Sorry I am so late responding to your kind words, life so hectic this month. Still Christmas over, peace, of a sort, reigns and I can get my thinking cap back on. Hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours. Alex

author comment

Hello Alex.

On this poem, I agree with Cat and don't personally have any issues with the rhythm, rhyme, or imagery. Perhaps the purist might find fault but purity of poem is overrated. I love the quote " I've learned that people who write unflinchingly from the heart have the capacity to move us, while the more polished craftsmen often fall short".

Best wishes. - Will

Thank you Will. That is not a quote I am familiar with but I could not agree more. I think far too many poets nowadays have forgotten that. Alex.

author comment

Well crafted thought provoking reflection on the art of poetry

Thank you Sen, your comments are appreciated. Alex

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