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Nine Tenths of Da Law

less is best
languid liquid
pooling in
a summer day
cranked up
with hot mowers
a lone fly buzzing
the nightmares
of a dream
still sounds

shaggy head
I awake
my shuffle
my clothes
in a pile
my life in
a duffel
but U
bright eyed
and dressed
dug up from
the depths
like a prized
a spritz of ur
best Ardenes
and eyes lined
blush in place
with just a teasing
hair out of place

Ur little pack ur off
to lead
awake my greying
eyes like a tired
old stead
stirring coffee
the bump and grind
of the daily routine
the brush to stir
the flame of sport
U work ur crowd
in shoes and shorts
soaking in like the
fresh new blooms
admiration when
U take the room

give em hell
I always said
with a grin
thumping down
the stairs
the air still

I held U close
but U owned me
territory like
polar lands
in the barren
our flags
still stand!


Editing stage: 


as a ego..the pride..the masculine side
owned much.
but I was a ring on the little fingers of fate
polished with love and care
fiercely tended
and Godiva's
divas and queens
princesses of might
with minds of sleight

some would give their
arm to be in so close
the circe of the war
the make up lounge
I would crash
a needed audience
over talk
watching their deft
work...helping hold
the iron the curler
eyes rolling
laundry folded
selfies taken
"just push this button"

my wit would garner
a punch in the arm
I would grin the old
admirer from afar

for they were the
heaven sent star
readying for the

I was always their
favorite fan!

the man with a plan....

author comment

of mice and men... often take detours! Yeah, though I walk among the beautiful, I will always remember that I am mortal. Thanks for this one! ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Like this a lot, Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

a great write as usual,
the mirror of another
Flays the spirit of man
There in the real light
A beauty to make us feel
Feel inadequate
Dream dreams of being
Then drifting into reality
I shall return
There stir my coffee
And dream on.

Is that what you meant ???
Loved it anyway,
look after yourself
the grass is growing
leaves are adorning the trees once more,
shall we remember those cold winter days
or live in the now lol
Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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