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The monster under my bed

Darkness falls into
the midnight hour
at the verge of the edge
Shivering on a cold night
In the abandoned house
filled with hunger and despair
Carrying with a racing heartbeat
Laying on the funky bed
I’m hearing a creepy noise
coming out with a heavy step
shaking hard like an earthquake
it looks like the head is sticking out
staring at me with a hard
thick of an alligator’s core skin
with long green reptile’s tongue
and big open wide sharp teeth
Ready to eat me for his dinner
I am speechless in tears of horror
Fear is shooting down my spine
As my body is trembling like trees
and my legs are too weak to move
I am trapped in this place
to face of my own death sentence
to pray for help of the rescue
get away from this hell place
to recall that I'm awake from a nightmare

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem effectively employs vivid imagery and descriptive language to create a sense of fear and suspense. The use of metaphors such as "shaking hard like an earthquake" and "Fear is shooting down my spine" enhances the emotional impact of the poem. However, the flow of the poem could be improved by paying attention to the rhythm and meter. Some lines are significantly longer than others, which can disrupt the rhythm and pace of the poem.

The narrative could also benefit from more consistency. The poem starts with the character hearing a noise and then suddenly, the monster is already visible. The transition between these two events could be smoother. Additionally, the ending could be more impactful if it was more directly tied to the rest of the poem. The realization that it was all a nightmare seems a bit abrupt and could be foreshadowed earlier in the poem for a more cohesive narrative.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from a more careful use of language. Some phrases, such as "at the verge of the edge" and "thick of an alligator’s core skin", are somewhat unclear and may confuse the reader. It would be beneficial to revise these phrases for clarity and precision.

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