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Every drop

My body cries
For you
Every day
I miss you,
With every pore,every tear,every breath

God,just give back my Koko
I'll behave

Just give me back my mother

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Separation is hard, but I hope that writing takes away some of your sorrow!

The power of our language can and will change the world.
Successively until our languages become one!

You find solace in your writing. Grief and missing someone is challenging and we all need an outlet from it. Take care of yourself and take this time to heal. Hugs


I agree with Carrie's thoughts and advice on this. Try to concentrate on the good memories and cherish them. I wish you all the best.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Hello, Koki,
I sense the heartache and pain. Like the other comments, I will add to the hope of peace and healing.
Thank you,

Thank you


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