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d y s t h e s p i a n mg

the day erodes
I think of dictionary
and riddles
a water cooler gurgles its
divers ode drawing me
on a slide from the reverie
the x-rays come back
the bone of course is not
the driver of the body is
on cruise control
flinging through the twist
of bad brake
to another
a cigarette smartly set on
a determined bemused
mask of chagrin
the lip waiting
the chrome lighter on its
slow expendable sigh of
fuel that evaporates
trouble with antiques
like you and me
needing constant
dose and top ups

the romance of life
is the greatest pain
that rush of karmic
pleasure kicked out
for the morose run
of day to the next
and whatever this
is...leg jutted out
and pretty brunette
with her legs curled
up beneath her like
a little pony

the glasses help keep
out the lights
and I fiercely need a humor has

during a coffee break they
come looking
and i rush hobbling as fast
to the office and wait
happy kids pictures and
thick stainless tools tied
to the table with chains
splints an

someone young enough to
be one of my kids if I had em
that early tells me the bones
not healing but not too worry
a boot and away...
hes leaving fast and I snag
him and order up some "pain pills"
"yes of course....for the next couple
of days"..
"thanks doc!"

I wear the boot on the bus...
get off at the my damndest
to make that thing sexy...its all I got
and I pull it off...happy the swagger...
the pirate....i throw it in the boot closet
with the black and white sneakers..
the oxfords...the utility boots
down a few of the happy numbers
keep cruising

keep wondering why I stay
why I dont get out and get

suns hot and I stink
but i look good
an aura that says
uh uh uh...

i dont give a damn about
the broken foot
and it can pour rain tomorrow
i still have to out in it...
why did i give up romance
not because they werent asking....
maybe theres more broken
then just a bone...

all wheeling and healing up
some deal


Editing stage: 


nothing to critique here! Not even any spelling errors! Damn! You always, [well, most always, when you're not being cryptic] leave me with the impression that I was there at the scene of the incident.
They chain the instruments to the exam tables? Here, they just lock them away In the drawers.
Sorry to hear about the foot! What happened? Was it a bicycle accident? The lines:

The driver of the body is on cruise-control
flinging thru the gears... one bad brake
to another.

lead me to think so. I'm guessing that you weren't paying attention and looking at some cute young thing! I hope it heals up ok. As always, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

they sit you in a room and then doc does ground to room.......Like our plaster work...pens..
small work tools go out....not far....I was going to get a cappucino for the princess and was
going up the railroad the top there were people coming and I threw the
beavy bike twisting on the bad foot alrready...put one legt over bike and kept over leg on
side of thick safety rail....there was build up of sand for years and grass growing along the
posts...I went to lift my one leg up and over and it hit the top of the rail...I hopped to catch
my balance jumping and twisting on my roadside boot and felt it go....just like that....
I knew it was bad....but I straightened up..kind of eased the foot down into the boot..
got on the pedals put it in a lower gear and drove over to timmies to get her the icy coffee
treat.....she is a good Babys baby...(20) in college and going to online school..
got her decent group of men and a steady.....a few females...I could not walk on it for two
adys....then just shoved my foot into the boot and headed back out there......Im hoping it
will be okay...I cant wear the walking boot on the bike and too expensive to take bus..
and I might have to work next week.......

I only have the rear brate at the moment.....i carry stuff in the other hand and steer..
its dangerous....excting and tiring at this old granpa age!

thank U...But there are many cute whom smile!...

author comment

a day for us old grandpas. I guess they think we are just nice old guys. lol.Sounds like it was quite the adventure, that you could have done without! Take it as easy on that foot as you can. I know all about the old body healing slower than when we were young. My last motorcycle accident took me 10-12 weeks to get over and I still have lingering problems in the shoulder from it. I hope that you heal quickly, because winter isn't far off and you know that the walking is much more difficult then. Take care, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

not at your comments but how we do fluff our pillows and find something decent on the telly....

im surrounded by people with issues.....which is nothing new....Join em or decide its not my cup
of tea....but I see their hunger look at my hunger...and we snarl and lick chops and paw the
dirt.....Been reading sexton and plath and buckowski and some contemperary film actresses
actors whom have turned to acting.....the disgruntled realm.....the HOWL OR yowl of its times
maybe....of the many...."I need this....I need this" and I hand it over like lunch money and think...
well sucker...what the fuck about me!!!........and then I think and just clock out the persona that
takes care of the hard business on this end and No one wants to really see that guy!!

why are we quiet.....given our pharmas that still us.....the shit that happened to some of us..
by our families intimate...we look the other to come out when they pass some of
us? by jolly...I got intuition....I dont run on the ideal of law...but of a sense of the base point
of morality......

its just a good little wind that stirs inside me of late.....Plath put her head in an
crap...and sexton turned on the car.....something..somewhere put this kind of heaviness
upon them....and others.....Ive had my run at this business and come out the other side...
perhaps even administered a taste to those that truly needed to taste the bite they had
delivered along the way......and I dream.....And Im a strong believer in dreams...

maybe its good to run in bands of brothers........gets things done......
my foot will heal when I want it too....always been that way..ha ha ha...
and when its time to die...I will.....saw it....all about......aint no stopping it...
sitting for tea.....

thank U for your comment brother!

author comment

its trying to make it the best hand from the shittiest hand beset in the game
raw and beautiful...truth is non punches you in the gut and that pain
like an pure....a gasp...a sigh..not a roar or indignation if its right...
words are like this....poetry to me is like this....a man or womans life is asunder
and they write of the most descriptic lyrical depth imaginable....the vivid moment
when that worry turns...and you just know.....the you've lost what you never
had...Or on the bestest accomplish some small weight of velocity
not fallen over yet...a stipend lent...mad love found in a calamity...who doesnt
need..want warmth collision...pain softness.....moving in the feild tending...surviving
on the battefield mending...dreaming with breath on the back of a sated lover..
or outrunning the wolves...outwitting the fox and figuring out the final locks...
happy today...but realness is more harder a perception then that of a drowsy
inability to accept and deal with denials..

author comment
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