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Climbing with Silence

Since I could crawl,
People painted
Tomorrow with
Dark colors.

As I started
My modest path,
I kept running into
Many dead ends,
So I left the car
And kept going.

No easy stroll,
A rough climb
On windy hills
That make

A compass,
Some water,
And a will
to walk on
Unpaved roads,
With stars
As my only

I won’t
My route,
Even if the locals
Welcome me.

I’m not
For a place—
Just having
A hike
With silence.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively uses imagery and metaphors to convey a sense of journey and determination. The use of phrases such as "running into many dead ends," "rough climb on windy hills," and "unpaved roads" provide a vivid picture of the challenges faced on this journey.

However, the poem could benefit from more consistency in its metaphoric language. For example, the phrase "hurricanes nauseous" is a bit unclear. While it seems to be an attempt to convey the intensity of the "windy hills," it might be more effective to use a metaphor that is more directly related to the climbing or journeying theme.

The poem also seems to shift focus towards the end. The earlier stanzas focus on the journey, while the later stanzas introduce the idea of locals and a place. This shift isn't necessarily problematic, but it could be made smoother or more clearly connected to the overall theme of the poem.

Finally, the poem might benefit from a clearer exploration of the relationship between the speaker and silence. The title and final line suggest that this relationship is significant, but the poem doesn't delve into it very much. Developing this aspect could add depth to the poem.

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..of free verse usually, but I find your pieces of late intriguing. Your language use is quite lovely.


. like my lost dreams...the flood

for stopping by

author comment

use modest rather than humble, humble makes it sound like you are getting ready to brag.
That makes hurricanes feel like a breeze.
a will to walk on unpaved roads, rather than dirt.
my only companion[s]
I won't abandon my route.
Nice stuff. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

took your suggestions

author comment

what successful people do to achieve their goals. They keep going despite any difficulties.
That what your words tell me.
Please let me know if I am off the track.
Good work!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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you are correct

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Hello, Paul,
I love that it is "with" silence and not "in" silence. Yep, I really love that...

for your words

author comment
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