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Always seeking solace
Anger swells deep inside my soul

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Anxiety" effectively uses alliteration to create a rhythmic and coherent piece. The repetition of the 'A' sound in "Anxious", "Apprehensive", "Always", "Anger", and "Antsy" adds a certain musicality to the poem, which can help to engage the reader.

However, the poem could benefit from more concrete imagery. Right now, the poem primarily uses abstract concepts like "anxious", "apprehensive", and "anger". While these words convey the speaker's emotional state, they don't provide the reader with a strong visual image. Incorporating more concrete details could help the reader to better understand and empathize with the speaker's anxiety.

For example, instead of saying "Anger swells deep inside my soul", the speaker could describe a physical manifestation of that anger. This could be something like "A knot tightens in my stomach" or "My hands shake with unexpressed rage". This would give the reader a more tangible way to understand the speaker's feelings.

Additionally, the poem could potentially explore the source of the speaker's anxiety. Right now, the poem does a good job of describing the speaker's feelings, but it doesn't provide any context for why the speaker is feeling this way. Providing some background could help to deepen the reader's understanding of the poem.

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