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Editing - draft

Queen of Lies
(addition to Jordyn Alyssa's)

There's mystery in her eyes
but I just see the slut
There's wicked in her smile
another bitch who loves to rut

She opens up her mouth
rubies start to fall
I hear her voice now, louder
she repeats her call

She knows that she can get you
to fall into her trap
Erotic tales she tells you
you could use a slap

What she has done to many
Male or female, she don't care
as long as she can get them
make them fall into her snare

And His Name Is Gee...

There's a fella that I know
goes by the name of Guy
His parents named him that
an Uncle's name is why

Hollered from across the street
it sounds very much like "Hi"
I'm not sure if they're calling me
or simply saying; "Bye"

It's been a source of pleasure
some ribbing and some jokes
especially with Canadians
and friendly "Frenchie" blokes


I rose up against my demons
But they beat me back down
I defiantly laughed in their face
So they destroyed me with not a further trace

From splashes to ashes
And mistrust to dust
I perish and enter the earth
Awaiting rebirth

And so gradually my flame dies
Into a grey pulp of ash and wax
Life slowly leaves me
Sliding and oozing between the open cracks

And so I rapidly burn down
Into dying embers of wax and ash
Heat slowly leaves me
Dripping between the cracks with a final splash

Mind Reader

They say I can read minds
I'm not so sure

But I do know I can tell what she is thinking
When we near Esimed street as her jaw tightens and fingers loosen slightly
on the steering wheel

Her sadness feels like gravity doubled
Like a wound in saltwater, like ink in my veins
“It’s okay to remember,” I say
“Stop reading my mind,” she mutters as we drive away from the cemetery
“I’m not,” I whisper

They say I can read minds
I'm not so sure

Storms Kill...

Killer fell into the doorway
of the weather-beaten shack
Dry wind sucked the breath from him
and the storm fed on his track

He dragged his bedroll behind him
shut the door and latched it
His strength had gone long ago
the desert wind had snatched it

His thirst for retribution
brought him to the desert
The heat had taken his water
his throat was dry and hurt

A storm of huge proportions
sand carried in the air
Stuffed his nose and blinded him
it was everywhere!

Senryu Quartet...

Flowers bloom and fade
in her heart was a desert
the rain did not come

He was well aware
a wind blew into his life
she was ever there

His hand brought her hope
she drank from his love blossom
her mind opened up

They fled the desert
drinking in the cool water
he brought food for thought


Long skeletal fingers grip tight around my throat
squeezing what life force I have left into a pulp of skin & blood

Forcing sound I release one last final breath into this lost paradise
where the only truth is death itself cloaked in black & grey

Anger & pressure exit from my heavy mood
as I enter the moment of true acceptance & no return, I smile at…

…death’s embrace
I fall in disgrace
Savagely taken
Into a new evil place

Senryu String: Fields Of Dreaming (by eddy styx)

Senryu String: Fields Of Dreaming (by eddy styx)

her signature scent
wafting on room's air current
fills his head and mind

will she stay this time
he ponders this question now
hopes fulfilled she sleeps

candles on night-stand
their heads on same pillow smiles
soft night spent dreaming

Nevermore (by: eddy styx) senryu string of five

Senryu String: Nevermore (by: eddy styx)

angelic face, love
ever my focus flower
dreaming in your arms

in awe cannot speak
my head full of your essence
precious beyond stars

inspired loving
gracing me in ecstasy
never another

fleetingly time flown
over many lives and moons
in death gone to sky

labor beyond love
hoping to capture her poise
angel hosts give voice

Repeat After Me...

Tomorrow will be a better day
I sincerely hope it's true
'Cause I don't know what to say
Thought I taught you what to do

The same mistakes o'er and o'er
No lessons have you learned
Parrot sessions, repeat to me
But same errors have returned

What are you thinking? I must ask
Or don't you think at all?
I'm truly hurt that lessons taught
Upon deaf ears must fall


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