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Editing - draft

Bloody Red...

And the anger that I saw
was of a crimson red
The fog before my eyes
which bulged out of my head

The color of the life force
which squirted from his head
ran down the walls and clotted
and I knew that he was dead

Nothing could have saved him
from the blow I'd firmly struck
I caught him from behind
he'd just ran out of luck

They said that he was murdered
he wasn't living anymore
I listened to the newsflash
as I wiped off the gore

Neopoet Challenge #17 I Turned Into A Savage

Neopoet Challenge #17 (topic 4)
I Turned Into A Savage

Life and Death

Life has always puzzled me
Time twisting and winding, flowing free
Past, Present, Future all blur into one
Filled with love and fear, pain and fun

Yet it's life that we are so afraid to surrender
For death is a mystery, and it does not give us splendour
To not know what is next, what Fate has in store
What will await you when you pass through the door?


With heavy skies and sun beginning to wane
He wanders alone lost upon a deep snowy plane
Rain falls gently freezing and blowing a small flurry
Looking around for a landmark trying not to hurry

The wind gusts sending a chill through his bones
He can’t find the marker he left; a small pile of stones
He feels panic and fear begins to boil inside
Despite his solitude; his frustration he tries hard to hide

A Gamblin' Man Meets The Devil...

Blue-white lightning across a midnight sky
tearing a hole in the heavens
The rain comes down in silvery sheets
and the bones roll lucky sevens

The Devil loves a loser, ya know
he takes everything you've got
So bet the pile on every throw
get it while the die are hot

Take the money and run, dear boy
Play those cards and bluff
It don't matter that you're doin' great
don't be thinkin' that you are tough

Summertime Blues... July Monthly Contest

A low and ragged voice
slid down the alley dim
It cupped his lonely ears
and it called to him

Her voice hit all the low notes
the double-bass was thrummin'
He saw her slow and sultry look
He thought that she was somethin'

She gave a little smile to him
as he crossed the floor
just a bit of promise there
and maybe something more

She sipped her drink with lucious lips
posed for him alone
He sucked it up and spent his wad
thought he would take her home

Me me me.

I hear what you’re saying
Thanks for your share
There’s a lot on your plate
but, I just don't care
my shit is way deeper
all the way to my eyes
I'm still treading water
keeping my eye on the prize
life seems to get worse
as the days fly on by
doesn't get any better
no matter how hard I try
we've all got problems
but mine are worse
your life is a gift
but mine is a curse
I live in America
the land of the free
it's not about you
it's all about me.


Just the smell of your perfumed wrist
Intoxicated, so much, I can no longer resist
Just the flick of your beautiful dark hair
Hypnotised, so much, I have to stop & stare

Just the touch of your silky smooth skin
Captivated, so much, you put my head in a spin
Just the glowing smile from your perfect face
Enamoured, so much, my heart begins to race

Imagined Roads

Emanating steam conjures visions of you.
Secret smile and iris, a wreath of green fire.
Dreams of clover fresh with dew
Beneath widest skies of blue desire.

My cup is filled and filled again
And shall be evermore
Of endless journeys, imagined roads
That lead me weary to your door

But all is wanton twist of fate
And rift is wide though vision true
That builds this longing fast desire
And sees my swift return to you


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