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My Insanity

I gave my thoughts names, does that make me wierd
If it does well my pen should be sedated
And my mind should be under psychiatric care

Aren’t we all children of insanity? Well I know that I am
No sane man puts his weaknesses out so carelessly
A real mad man hides in an artificial cosmos
Led by monotony and the stench of death

We love and we hurt as if emotions were dice
Don’t get me started on politicans
All their good at is shaking hands and getting nominated
And you sit back silently, now that is insanity

see, you think I’m going off on rants like a mad man
I’m off my pills, who knows I might be
Here’s a thought maybe I’m just comfortable with me

Editing stage: 


I wouldn't call this a poem so to speak although it may qualify as prose
yep a rant it is lol
I believe everyone is capable of insanity in one form or another

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

poem Paul. I like many lines there

"We love and we hurt as if emotions were dice"

"Don’t get me started on politicans
All their good at is shaking hands and getting nominated
And you sit back silently, now that is insanity"

Well done!Now you will have me thinking where my insanity lies..I'll have probably the rest of
the day to know :)..Take care


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Its just that some people have to take pills for theirs! This is a good piece. Rant or not , it shows where you left things to right themselves in the hands of politicians. Now thats crazy. I love the personification bit about sedating your pen. Giving your thought names like they persons that go about in one's head singing and dancing or milling about and protesting across hemispheres of a overburdened brain. Yes if we dont act against certain societal wrongs it would mean that we either dont understand the implications are we are plain insane. Thanks Paul you have said it all.

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