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You don't get to be proud of most moments
The gift I'm giving you is far better
You get to be present in all moments
In your vicious cycle I am all seasons
In your circle I am parabolic
I am everywhere the center
Circumference unseen
Imagine your outskirts
The boundary of what you consider possible
The thin line between what you are
And what I'll make of you
Nature will drive the merciless reclamation
of the vacuum you've made
Inside the edges of yourself
The tides I tend shape your shore
Amidst the flames of this fallen state
I will consume and recreate you
In the image of absolution
You are mine.
Mine as the air owns your breath and
the daylight owns your sight
Worship in the vehement fury
of my unfettered self
And know that every word uttered here
Is the first and only fresh penned testament
In the new religion of your very next thought

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


my favorite lines are:

The tides I tend shape your shore
Amidst the flames of this fallen state
I will consume and recreate you
In the image of absolution

such raw energy and power here! I love it! it reminds me of my relationship with my Steven. he isn't poetic but I can reach him with my poetry.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

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