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I resent the ones that can't tell an errant glance from a second look
And the time it takes to slap your ass back to the monkey's path
I resent the nit I'm made to pick with a dead prick
And the shotgun your mom slept with when I wasn't there
Like the Mossberg you used when you made your last decision
She could have sold it had you been a better coward
Instead of the kind you were when your finger found the trigger
Did you feel like a man made to bloom like a Kodiak sun
Angry at the sky and preemptively proud
Of all the red you'd make 
Devil, absent of the Hell you left behind

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Raw, straightforward. Leaves me feeling both angry and empty. Amazing final line that wraps up the emotion I felt in the entire poem.

Thank you so much. Though I am sorry to leave you feeling such things, I also, as you likely know, am very much not. The last line got fixed right at the end.

It was going to be absentee devil of the hell you left behind

author comment

I like the title, Kodiak. It reminded me of the idiom no man is an island—which I feel ties back to this piece in a couple ways. It's short but felt whole.


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