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ephemeral victory inform my desire
frayed ends in my fists
a tattered flag on my spire
remind me the moment is never enough
anger's on brand but anger is rough
take more than you toil
sit more than you lift
gratitude is grief but revenge is a gift
forever repay them the injury due
forgive them the trespass forgiven for you
there's gold in the bones of wise man's mistakes
there's acceptance and struggle
and mountains with lakes
so with gold will I pave
the road to my grave
feigning lament for the tools I don't save
there's the hammer that's held
and refuses to see it
and the one that's unwielded
so certain its needed

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


And a warm welcome to Neopoet.
Hope you enjoy with us your poetic journey.
This is definitely a great first submission with so many wise messages. I can choose so many favorite lines if I had to.
These two are just some

gratitude is grief but revenge is a gift
forgive them the trespass forgiven for you

I see you have entered the piece in new participants contest, so I wish you the best.
Welcome again and wish to read more of your work.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you so much for the kind comments and for reading.

author comment

I make a lot of them. A. LOT. I have a lyric from a favorite poet of mine I recall when I’m regretting past mistakes and getting down on myself.

“Lay that hammer down
If your cross needs a nail
I’m sure we can sort it out”

John Dyer Baizley

Welcome again and excellent writing

Hell, you can't avoid them so best we embrace them, eh brother? Thank you for reading.

author comment

Welcome to Neo!
I see you have marked this as Free Verse, but it appears to be a well-written rhyming poem. I feel the strong irony - "gratitude is grief, but revenge is a gift." Much to like here.
Thank you,

The form and the labels they take right? I've been playing with the prosaic and the poetic alike, the form, cadence, and the volume when I am fortunate enough to have an audience to read them aloud. Thank you for reading.

author comment
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