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He looked like a grandfather
with his white hair and beard
and by all accounts was a quiet gentle man
even when wearing his gray coat and all.

Southern born and West Point trained
but his heart resided in Virginia
and when his love Virginia called
it was as if a loving wife
asked of him his help
he went.....

Then for weary years he fought the fight
for his hearth and beloved home
defeating armies exceeding his
turning defeat into victory, many times over.
But resources dwindled
yet on he fought
and remained a gentle man.

Then he took the war to northern lands
hoping to gain peace from war
once his enemy felt the sting
of a home front war.

Came Gettysburg and the decision
to fight despite high ground surrendered.
decision to end the war right here
with either South or North rendered.
Pickett's failed but fateful charge
began the end

Though war carried on
until the surrender of Robert E. Lee

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Wondering about the title? Robert E. Lee became a college president after the war but never returned to his beloved Arlington because Yankees had turned it into a national cemetery.....stan
Editing stage: 


I never have written much free verse and am really out of practice. I kept having to slap myself to keep from turning this into a western classic lol. I like you "many times over" suggestion and will gladly use it......stan

author comment

Sorry I am not familiar with the guy. I just wanted you to know I have passed by. Not sure how much free is your free verse. I thought it is more structured than free but who am I to judge yours. I think I'll wait to see what other might say.
Ps. have you forgetten to hit the contest drop-list?


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I Did forget to hit that. Feeble minded old man I guess lol. Robert E. Lee was the head general of the southern forces during the war between the states. Most historians agree he was far and away the best general on either side. It was he who surrendered at Appomatax and thus brought the war to an end.........stan

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