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Neopoet Formatting Explained (Re-Posted)

Creating Bold or Italic Text:
While Initially in Advanced Formatting Mode


Destiny...a street sign pointing left despite being able to see the road is about to end...calculated moments...irreverence...

My sister died last Thursday

I expected no grief, she had Down's Syndrome and advanced Alzheimers.
Yet the grief is happening. She was my sister. I hurts so badly.
I considered myself some kind of sociopath, not expecting to to feel,
but II have lost my sister.

Shit Happens

Curdled milk
Hanging stench
Dry dust of poverty
Don't you dare
Agree with me

Move away
Humour me
Your superior antics
They smell of coins
And plastic cards

Oh my stains
They are memory
Eggs stolen
Pee missing the urinal
Then loss of control

Get out of my failing sight
I see more than you
I am the base
You stand on me
Try standing with me

Go to hell
You won't change
Greed has made you
I am made of poverty
You constructed both


Does anybody have any idea what the heck "MLA format" means? One of the local literature magazines (The South Carolina Review) requires it and I have no idea what they're talking about..............stan

fossil fool

staples is the treasureland...i feel like those chip and dale chipmunks...
wide aisles and tall modernist factory of clerks and writers..
found typewriter only now...the upbeat cello of its time soundtrack
for disney....of course now it would be dubstep...the oboe basson and claironet


I have a backlog of poetry to edit so I will be starting to edit in the next few days I will try not to flood the site activity and keep it to a couple a day...If it annoys please don't hesitate to let me know

Jayne x

Ellipsis... the little dots.

I forgot where this conversation was being held, so I thought I would just throw it out there in a blog.
Technically, an ellipsis (...) is used to replace an omitted word or phrase (never at the end of a sentence or quotation).
Loved and I abuse it mightily. I use it to create an over indulgent... um... pause.
Grammatically it is a no... no, but it's my English and I'll "ellipsis" if I want to.
Now, none of the rest of you are allowed to abuse it.
Just Loved and I. We're special.

Writer's Block, Blah blah...

Hello All,

Been away for a few months...just living and keeping happily busy. Getting the urges to write, but really struggling to find my mojo again. So don't be too harsh (Weirdelf et al...)

For the past 18 months I've been experimenting with different forms and themes. I still love free verse and my quirky sense of humour seeps out, even when I'm trying to write it straight!


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