Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


half hour into xmas

year end of the thoughts...ramblings of poetz
from two oh seven to now...eight years on Neo
forty one in july that year....seemed unstoppable
the world...tipping then in its peculiar ways...
my clavicle yet smashed from a cycling accident
my world not upside down...

Merry Christmas

May your holidays be filled with Joy , peace and health
and the hope for a brighter New Year

Chrys( China Blue)

Don't kill the messenger

I spend a great deal of time reading works on NEO with an occasional comment—usually short. I write very little poetry. The Muse is gone. I am too preoccupied by recent health issues that are threatening and find it difficult to be an “ active” participant. This is a rare moment for me given the rarity of my contributions to NEOPOET.

Wow! Workshops are finding the right words.

Stan's new workshop "The Right Word" and with Wesley's incredibly important recent workshop on meter "The Bottom Line" and workshops on editing and revisions and critique upcoming we are addressing the heart of our "art and sullen craft".

The Right Word

Hi folks. I finally got a syllabus together for "The Right Word" workshop which is upcoming. Check it out and feel free to join in. All skill levels are welcome and both new and old members are encouraged to participate.

Just PM me , or leave message on this blog if you wish to join or if you have questions........................stan

"Footprints on my lawn"

Do you all remember my two poems from 2011 well there is a book/film out now and a report that goes like this:-

"Grounded" is an independent feature film about what is considered by many authorities to be "The Greatest Health RE-Discovery of All Time": Walking barefoot on the Earth.

This simple activity was found to cure a surprising array of ailments in residents of Alaska - a place not exactly renowned for its barefoot lifestyle!

Submitted by Yenti on 10:29 am, 1 May 2011


Hi Everyone!

I'm away as of this afternoon until Tuesday next week. I'm a goin a miss reading your poems. Have a happy time while I'm gone. Look forward to login in next week.

Love Mand xxx

stigma why! must read in Neopoets interest please

We ... Ian and I ..
are trying to remove

the late- read stigma of poetry
as you can see ...
some poetry is left unseen
now a days for weeks ....

if you wish to be read
do read
another poet's creativity
now do go and read older ones kindly
in the unseen gallery
A Neopoet's well wisher

"Hello all of you !"

We are passing into another phase on Neopoet
Where the workshops are holding many.
There are a few of the older members returning ,
It is another time of change, and I hope for the better

I read many comments from now to back when
Still there are some that use to comment on the person
Now this change seems to be a way of talking together
The subjects are poetry not personality or history


Anger is genetic disease.
It exists in the wild as an aberration, a mutation.
The great, bull ape grows powerful and develops an angry disposition. He expresses the anger, to his tribe, in conflict with another animal and as is the case always…
he makes a mistake. In the wild nothing makes a mistake and survives. The younger bull, the hunting lioness, the rogue elephant take advantage of those that make mistakes and the result is always…
the same. The bull ape dies. His genes are removed from the pool.


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