Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


The House on a Hill

Sitting on top of a hill
with one story
watching over the land

Gardens surround its body
with stairs made of stone up to the door
a fence wrapped around the driveway

The bowels covered in knick knacks
while a connected living room-kitchen
buzzing with the residents’ energy

The kitchen window surveying
all the owner has
overlooking everyone and the trees

I Want The Raw Truth

So, here's the deal. If you have something posted to the stream and you want the raw truth and I comment on your work, I expect a comment acknowledging my critique.

If you do not, I will assume you'd rather not have me comment on your work and that is fine, no worries at all.

And if you would prefer I not comment on your work, let me know that as well.

Dear poets...

I am ashamed of myself for not being here more often. I have been struggling with some demons that are very hard to exorcise. I wish to apologize to all those I have let down and I especially want to apologize to Beau for not answering her messages. I love Neo. for all the fine poets and opportunities it has given me to share my works with everyone. Please be a little patient with me and I will try harder to be real part of Neo again. Thanks to all, ~ Gee

till tomorrow locker like kept

Don’t feel shy
simply post and let others read
tell them bluntly
not to bully
and with your lovely poetry
summarily deal

ask them to have guts and say
what is wrong and where
do them dare,
as some take this Neopoets as their inherited wealth

don't shirk
don't fear,
I would have been sliced
long ago my dear
by not all but only one
who hasn't yet still given in

Audio on Neopoet, a truly exciting concept

Beau is running a workshop on how to record your poems to post on Neopoet.
Audio on Neopoet

This will be not just fun and rewarding but immensely valuable in rhyme and meter workshops.

Everyone should join, no exceptions.


I am in re-hab center. fell and broke hip. miss being home. THERAPY intense and painful.



**We sleep and dream what might have been
should we prefer this to what is?
the reality of kith and kin
which world brings us the most bliss?**

A hickory nut awakens me
by bouncing off my cap clad head
loosed by a squirrel up a tree
hauling leaves and twigs for autumn bed.
The woods are in their autumn blaze.

I see I'm high above a stream.
Through ancient trees it wends its way
like something in a Tolkien dream
where ents walk and the elves play.
The morning sun breaks through the haze.

GI’s that were billeted in our village when I was about a year old 1943/44
They all went to Europe on the “D” Day landings, all survived the war the first to pass away was, "Bill Zanone" who died in 1957.
If anyone knows of them, or it will be their children now, this is just to say thank you and that we know how much you gave for us in England.
My sister who has gone now had photos of some of these guys, but I am not sure what happened to them, there is the odd photo, that my son has now with of one of them holding me when I was a baby.

The Arabian Treasures (3)

للشاعر بشار بن برد
اذا كنت في كل الامور معاتبا ** صديقك لم تلق الذي تعاتبه                                

Verses by Beshar Ben Burd (an Abasi poet)

If you blamed your friend
                           for everything he'd claim,
the day would come,then
                          you'd find no one to blame


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