Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Hello !!!

Its been way too long between drinks for me here but I wanted you all to know I'm returning in the next day or two, I have kept to myself didn't want to be a whinging Aussie, So I battled through sickness only to have to have emergency surgery last Thursday on my spine again, I'm doing great, its going to be a couple of weeks in recovery so I will be around more.but.

Pre Tense

Death came to visit again, took stay in my room...she was not my was not my was not...

The world outside sewed its' curtains closed...she took me in her not lover arms...cold as Earth's ice covered belly...empty as a wind blown grocery bag...she was not my was not my was not...

"Nothing short of total and absolute humility will suffice to make the world a better place to live in"

Most of us are fools, living in a fool's paradise. We never learn.

People die around us all the time - some of them, our near and dear ones. We go to their funerals, condole the bereaved but are we ever really and truly aware of our mortality because, if we are, we would be much better people.

Gunga Din-By Rudyard Kipling

Ian.T here, this is a classic, and the first time I have read any of Kipling's works.
I wish I had the time to read many more, but it is just one of those things I have missed during my years on this plain..
It must have been great to be able to read all these things as part of an education, I have always been aware of the statement "You are a better man than me Gunga Din" but today was the first time I have read the poem that it is part of.
Have a good read all that haven't read this before, it is a great story,
Yours as always Ian.T

continues to amass poetry ... for months... like fungus
can Neopoet make it a point to drill poets
to read one... comment as proof... then post a poem... if they wish to
the unread
is now becoming
a dread
should have been

Thinking of Gaza

Stereotyped fire games;
some set afire,
others sit at the fire,

barbecue's on,
in Gaza


I wanted to send my breath
to those under the siege of death
In Gaza,
but they've blown all
the communicative channels
or should I say, tunnels??


If we could speak
we would tell
how bad it is
to smell the corpse
left down to rot
under walls

On Not Writing

It may not have come to the attention of most that I haven't been active on this site for a while.

Here's an unsolicited answer to questions that weren't asked: I've taken an indefinite break from writing.

Writing has been my only constant companion throughout life, while all things fell along the way, or darted off into the night without as much as a goodbye. Some say it is the only thing I have known and truly loved.

Storytelling in Verse: A Study in Pink.

Odd title for a poem, is it not?

Let me explain.


The English language is an an amalgam of many different languages, it begs, borrows, appropriates and incorporates every language it has contact with. That is what makes it one of the most powerful languages in the world.

It uses every word that can express anything.

Now swearing, profanity, cursing, obscenity are all part of that.

Use whatever word is needed to express what you need to say. That includes all the above.

Renga 9 "Hatred's Legacy"

This is a renga workshop designed to capture the feelings of people in or once was in any strained relationship. If you'd like to share your lively haiku, senyru, tanka or two liner of your heated emotion, join my unique renga workshop and share it here in a collaboratively written renga poem.

Come one come all. A stop by is all it takes to add your addition to the poem.
I've often struck back
Words of nails aimed for your eyes
Your fiery assaults
Barbara Writes


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