Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Winter Storms

Hello everyone!

Sorry I've been away. We have had two episodes of dangerous winter weather over the past few weeks. I leave at the beach, in the south, we're not prepared for ice or snow! I got power back Friday and Internet access back yesterday.

See you around. :)

Imagery in poetry

There are those among us who use imagery in their poetry in a manner which seems almost automatic. But most of us have to work at it. A poem without imagery is like listening to an accountant reading off a profit and loss statement. The right amount of imagery is like going to a good play with talented actors and good background props. Too much imagery is like going to the same play but having continual fireworks exploding on stage.


In “Seven Types of Ambiguity”, William Empson describes the ambiguity of a line from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73.
“To take a famous example, there is no pun, double syntax, or dubiety of feeling, in-
‘Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.’

Poetry Forms O - Z. Pantoum added

Poetry Forms O-Z
I need help in tidying this Blog up to make it easier to use..

Poetry Forms “O”

• Ode

John Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is probably the most famous example of this type of poem which is long and serious in nature written to a set structure.

• Onomatopoeia

A figure of speech in which words are used to imitate sounds.
Examples of onomatopoeic words can be found in numerous Nursery Rhymes e.g. clippety-clop and cock-a-doodle-do.

Poetry Forms “P”


Poetry Forms A - N. For reference

Poetry Forms

Types of poetry forms

Bref Double

So This Is What 50 Look Like

So this is what 50 looks like after wandering around this wicked world. I remember the birthdays that made me think back about how I wanted my life to turn out. I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. After 50 years I've done everything my narrow mind envisioned as a teenager. Peering through the window of my childhood, I had no wisdom about anything. I had much knowledge about the people and things I observed for those fifty years. Everything I saw needed answers I didn't have, but will and did end up in a poems or articles I write.

Someone else's thoughts on Phonaesthetics.

The Tolkien comment cited in the Leslie Jones biography is from his essay "English and Welsh", originally the O'Donnell Lecture given at Oxford on 21 October 1955, and reprinted in The Monsters and the Critics.

The Year of the Horse

Most of the main super markets are celebrating so much this year.
"Happy New Year to all that are from China"
Yours Ian.T

Creativity and Consciousness

Here's me thinking around this theme,


Just having seen a programme of "God and Science," obviously written, or contrived by the GODLY dreamers; I was goaded into looking deeper into the facts about our creativity, they were saying that music is somehow "superior" in that it comes as if from nowhere-like us!!!! FROM GOD!!!! But, and that's a big


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