Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


I Will Follow You

I will come after you
Like B,and C after A
like stink follows a fart
as quick as I am able
I will follow you
like an explosion
After a spark
I will come after you
like a a race horse
On the inside

Suggestion- Short Stories

If a decision to have stories on this Poetry Workshop site has been taken, I suggest that they may be published in a separate stream if it is technically possible.



The question was finally answered. Was there life on Mars?
There had been plenty of hints. There was the Martian meteorite found in the Antarctic which contained fossilized microorganisms. There were all the signs of the precursor of life (water) to be seen on the red planet's surface. All hints pointed to the past. But it took the first manned expedition there in 2051 to give the definitive answer.

A Walk into North American Indian Myths

I have tried to put into verse stories of the North American People and their Myths, some of the stories will need help in their composition when anyone has a little spare time, Thank You Yours Ian.T

Absaroka (Crow Nation)

Achiyalatopa Speaks...

Where are you my nations of six
The loss of your ways must I perish
Did I do you wrong my Zuni
I no longer adorn your altars
My swords are gone for ever,
decayed in the history of Mankind.

Come Renga With Neopoets

Would you like to learn more about Japanese poetry? Such as, haiku, senyru and renga. Would you like to write a renga poem? Join my new renga workshop. And write a truly Neopoet collaborated poem.

short stories

I know Neopoet is a poetry site but in its earlier incarnation it also accepted short stories. Good poetry and good prose have a lot in common I think and writing in one could not help but improve writing in the other. Plus it might be interesting to see folks trying their hands at something new. So the question is : Do ya'll think bringing short stories back (if technically possible at this time) would be a good idea?............stan

Efficiency and Extravagance

In recent writing eras, in the Western world at least, we saw a move toward minimalism and realism, such as the realistic and naturalistic writers of late 19th century and early 20th century America. Naturalism is considered the writing of “grim realism” in which the author is an observer of their characters (Kennedy and Gioia 122). This time period was marked by the globalization of literature thanks to ever-growing and ever-quickening forms of transportation and communication (Puchner, et al 625).

Just a few thoughts

Feelings felt
Feelings invited
Feelings satisfied
Feelings received
Feelings introverted
Feelings shared
Feelings just Feeling

"It’s getting late …
The early apricots start to shine,
              forty-watt bulbs
Against the sundowned and mottled plain.

No word for time, no word for God, landscape exists outside

But stays, incurable ache, both things,
And bears me out as evening darkens and steps forth,
                    my body snug in my life
As a gun in its carrying case,
As an old language, an old address"


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