Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Just a few headings of rhymes for children if anyone is lost for fairy Stories or Rhymes..

Poems of Spring

To start a collection of poems at this moment in the category of Spring for future reference and maybe use in a Neo book.
Just add your best Spring Poem to this Blog as a comment or even PM them to me and they can be added to the main list.
Lilly of the Valley

“A new season”

The valley grew silent, amidst darkened soil
Just under the surface was complete turmoil
Pushing aside the soil of cold times gone by
A blade shaped leaf just for you and I

Performance poetry, poetry aloud and chat

I would like to experiment with a chat for reading our poetry aloud. is an easy to use place for making temporary recordings. Soundcloud,, is good if you want to keep the recordings online. Audacity is superb free software for recording, editing and effects.

Does anyone know of an audio chat site? That would be cool. Maybe we could figure out a way to use Skype for a conference call?

Any ideas and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

issue getting on

timing out...cant connect..waiting.keep trying..miss Neo

Undiscovered overwhelm.

Wow! I knew it would blow out but didn't expect anything like this when we changed the Undiscovered list to less than 2 comments.

Let's see this as a special opportunity though. Go to the last page, take the last poem, and see if this member is still posting. If not, why not? Do you know them on Facebook, can you find out why they left and if there is something we, as Neopoet could do better?

Just one a week from everyone and we can clear this backlog and make the Undiscovered list a valuable tool for helping our members.

Just curious

Are all the members aware that the chat room is noe open and running. That you do not have to wait for a scheduled room to come on in and chat with other members , get to know one another m share ideas and thoughts.
The room is opened 24/7
Yes there will be times a scheduled room is running and you are welcome to join in. See my post under community about hosting your no strings attached roomLet's show Andrew and Paul that it was worth their time and effort to get the room up and running again.

When is the election?

We've had the nominations. Did I miss something?

Poets say they have lost their Muses

The Nine Muses

It is a long story to write of you,
An Epic will that do
On many tablets as in days of old
This is how your story is told

Of times past you tell
Of battles won, and times of hell
Rest a while let your scrolls foresee
A calming image, for you and me.

Now sing lyric's softley to me please
A beauty toned from your lyre to tease
Play to me in dreams stories of the old
Tales from the Greeks so I am told.

To All Neopoets

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season.
Who ever you are and where ever you are, know that we send you unconditional love, this love is for ever.

2015, I give you a new year where we will produce writes that will be remembered by many more.
We will send hands out to hold you, when you are sagging with ailments, real or in your think.
Yours as always Ian and Anne, and of course the Children.

Live that you are aware you will be the judge of your own actions. xxxx


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