Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Journal Entry - 11-05-2014

I have often wondered
what kind of serial killer I would be.
Would I be a psychopath,
a natural born killer
or a sociopath
a killer born of my surroundings?
Would it make a bit of difference
either way?

Who would I hunt?

How would I hunt them?

By way of thank you.

Storytelling in Verse: A Study in Pink is closed and I had to thank everyone for their participation.
It was not only the weirdest workshop I've ever been involved in, it was also one of the most enthusiastic.

In closing this I want to quote Raj (he's given me permission).

Wesley, Rula & Barbara,

Are you blocked? Short of ideas?

Try an old trick of mine when blocked. If you have a desktop computer (I don't know how to do it on a laptop unless you can close your eyes and touch type) open your word processor, turn off the screen and just type the colour, images one see with closed eyes and any thoughts that come to mind, do not attempt to edit. When you open your eyes there will be an unholy mess but with some very surprising content you can use for the basis of ideas.

Poetry on the net versus printed poetry

Simply this.
Remember, we are reading on a computer screen where we can escape at a click of the mouse, not on a printed page which is inescapable.
This does change the nature of our poetry, for good or bad?
You tell me.

silence AND bliss


My First Review

Many know me as paul the co founder of neopoet. chair of the chat department and all the fancy titles given to me. Today I actually want to say thank you to a website I helped build we can talk about the irony later. To my neopoet family and my fellow artists of the written word. I urge to continue on your path. Even if you write for your own bloody sanity please don't put down that pen. Today I will like to celebrate with you this accomplishment it has been a humble honor serving as a simple member let alone trustee.


Our stock in trade. For what is poetry without words? In prose we build plain buildings be they simple shelters of high rises. But in poetry we construct monuments to human thought. Thus using the Right word is perhaps much more important than in any other written form. I am considering renewing a "Perfect Word' workshop. If anybody is interest just say so here and feel free to also post a small comment on your opinion of the power of the right word instead of just an OK one.
"two roads diverged in a yellow wood"...or.....A road forked in the autumn forest?

Consciousness - A challenge.

I've watched a couple of Youtubes lately that have really challenged my ideas of conciousness, soul, thought. "The Primacy of Consciousness" by Peter Russell (an hour long but very worth watching).

We are doing great things at Neopoet. Firstly, Collaborative Renga Poetry by Barbara Writes, a Japanese form of poetry writing that's been modernized and constructed for Neopoet. And experimental Collaborative Storytelling in Verse by Wesley Snow. Create possibly an award winning Horror/Murder story in the scotyard of 19th Century London. Check us out at the link Watch the story and work of Neopoets unfold on the stream.

All Members

I have been told that I have been accepted as a mentor. For anyone that is interested.
Due to technical difficulties it is not posted on the list as yet.
So message me if interested


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