Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

On Not Writing

It may not have come to the attention of most that I haven't been active on this site for a while.

Here's an unsolicited answer to questions that weren't asked: I've taken an indefinite break from writing.

Writing has been my only constant companion throughout life, while all things fell along the way, or darted off into the night without as much as a goodbye. Some say it is the only thing I have known and truly loved.

I think of it that way too, because there is the other, less inspiring constant in my life; that all the things I love must cause me pain. Endless, unrelenting pain. This has been true in other more likely facets of life. Now I find that my writing is blighted by this same situation.

And so I have stopped writing, and I mean to stay away from pen and publishing until certain demons that have stayed with me too long are exorcised.

The tragedy of my life, however, will not let the writing - or the demons - go away, no matter how hard I want them to. I find that once in a while, I enter a space that does not permit me to leave without having written down my thoughts in verse. These are the side effects of being a poet for such a long time.

But as things now stand, I do not publish my work on the Internet, nor do I show it to anyone. Because the must not exist. I have deliberately taken down all work I have put on the Internet, so no one will ever have access to them. All except those published on this site.

I should finish this quickly. Until further notice, I am no longer a writer. But I should thank Neopoet for shaping me when I wanted to be.

And I should leave as quietly as I came, step back into shadow and be forgotten one last time.


I too am fighting demons that have taken me from the write. Unlike you I will continue to struggle that I produce. I hope you find a circumstance that draws you back to us. At least to us.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

NO body misses NO body
But we only feel we r being missed

So compose and move on------- satisfy your ego and ur few friends
All the best
We ALL must write to quench our thirst

I cant say that you will be missed this would make me a hypocrite, this is the way of these sites on this net thing, but I enjoyed your writes and I must have the odd one in my records some place.
I am sorry this is the way of things, we seem to be as moths around a flame, too close and we are burnt too far and the light fades.
You will return to writing maybe not in this now, but one on the morrow or even in the years to come.
I am saddened that you have found that writing has not helped, there are a few things I could suggest but it is for you to seek them out.
When you do find that you in the future, come tell us with a thrill of writing.
Go well and know we will remember, maybe not all but we will remember, you may hear your name whispered on the breeze it will be our thoughts,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I for one had notice your not being around. I put it down to the real world making time demands on you. I hope you have success in your fight against the injustices in your life. We will be here if and when you decide to return...........stan

No one can know the demons that you face as they are most certainly your own. But in reading your work and listening to a few select comments that we have exchanged over my short time here, I believe that I have somewhat of an understanding, albeit incomplete. At times it feels like you can and never should stop writing as it is the air that will prevent you from suffocating. Yet, the same words (which should otherwise be harmless) cause you to experience significant pain, emotional to the point of physicality. Words built up like hammers of the gods that slam down on your every waking moment, your every subtle movement.

I get it. And I don't get it. Only you can tell me if this is on point or not. All I know is that nothing or no one has been able to help me thus far. Hopefully you will find an answer and share it with us all.......through poetry.



Yes, that's true.
I was about to send you a pm asking you to join Wesley's soon to come workshop " Storytelling in verse: a Study in Pink" when you submitted your blog. It is a misfortunate that you decide not to write or to write but not to share.
We all- at least I - had many times where I decided to stop writing for one reason or another, but I never could do it.
As a moderator of Wesley's workshop, can't I convince you to join. It seems to be like a distinguished collaborative work more than a workshop

Hope you would give it a thought. We are looking for the good poets who are in favor of the structured poetry and I always believed you are one of those here.

Will you?


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram


W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

I hope she would accept my invitation.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

during a likewise hiatus in my writing, is my continuing involvement in Neopoet. Connection with others is always therapeutic. Running workshops, mentoring, the soon to be rejuvenated newsletter, the publishing committee all offer opportunities to participate without actually writing your own works.
Pleas consider this.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Where are you? haven't seen you for ages!!!

Love Mand xxxx

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.