Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Recording your poetry. Live readings.

Could I get some general feedback on who is interested in live readings? Apart from the extra dimension of your own voice and expression in your work it would be particularly useful in Meter workshops, like "Meter Is Our Friend ".

All you need is a microphone, either plugged into your computer, most laptops have built in mikes, I've found a headset with mike most useful. Virtually all phones can record your voice.

New Workshop

It has been a year and a half since we last ran a workshop concerning… meter.

Now, don’t run off. Let me have my say.
The workshop Rula and I have in mind is simpler than you might expect. To begin with it will be held in the Wading Pool. This will be meter 101. All four of the major metric forms will be used, but not all at once.

Pastoral shop blog

This blog is meant for posting only of the pastoral workshop blogs. All are welcome to read but please don't comment until a poem is listed as completed. I'll begin by posting the beginning of my shop poem. All should do the same and as each person is assigned a poem to continue, please do so in the comment section which goes with each beginning. This is being done in an attempt to keep all these shop poems in one place and easy to find

spoken word?

I recall there was a spoken word shop a while back. At that time my deteriorating comp had lost all audio capability so I paid it little heed. But now i have this new comp which I suspect is capable of allowing me to do a spoken word poem and thus make all here cringe at hearing my true voice lol. But I need somebody to tell me how this is done as I'm, as all here are aware, a Luddite when it comes to new things having to do with this magic box.............stan

February Contest!!

BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR ENTRY SO THAT YOU HAVE ENTERED IT INTO OUR CONTEST (similar to entering a poem into a workshop -- you will see a dedicated "contest" section in the poem edit page where you can select the February 2015 contest)

Chat you buggers!

Remember how much fun we had in chat? Gluing Paul to the ceiling? Flourescent paint everwhere? Deep dark magics? Spontaneous poetry?

Whenever you log in to Neopoet, open the chat room, even if you are the only one there and keep the tab or window open. Use other tabs to do your posting and critiquing, you will hear a bling when someone enters the room, and if you don't have sound on your computer just check in occasionally. I just caught up with our old friend Press! It's been ages!

Poetry Forms "O - Z "

Poetry Forms "O-Z"
Added as a new way of writing, this way has not been established as yet, but here is the layout for others to try.. Also there is an ongoing workshop here on Neopoet for us to have a go..

Beyond rhyme and rhythm, search for new structures in short form..
Constructed by IRiz


"Poetry Forms" A to N.

You write a title in capital letters and put one space between a title and the first line and write a poem in five lines.
You write Gogyoshi in English so that all readers can understand it. Next, you write it in your mother tongue so that all readers can respect your mother tongue. If your mother tongue is English, you add your favorite language translation.
Gogyoshi should be posted in both mother tongue and English. If you can’t translate it into English, you can ask someone to translate it into English.

"Sonnets"... Let's Know More (Workshop Idea)

"In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful"

Dear friends,

Prolonged Absence

Hello Everyone,


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