Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



Chrys and I have been talking (always a bad thing).

Starting July one we will begin a workshop in Storytelling in Verse (sempiternal). As always this workshop is held in the Olympic Pool, so we’re both taking this workshop within a workshop seriously. However, the primary point will be fun. We’ve had some pretty hairy workshops lately, so we decided on something a little off the wall.

We desire to write a horror stories in verse.

basted glow

droplets of honey--
your words varnish
my waking mind,
coaxing me to
leave all, behind

gone, but ever remaining
never learning
held, ever close but
never belonging
cradled light - metaphed demise

on a spring morning
melting, paraffin wax;
now a shadow of a
hand, held tight
in the deep of night

about undiscovered work

This section goes on for pages and pages . At one time it was comprised of only the works that remained unread. Now it is one read or less. I'm not sure when this change came about or how. Was it brought to a vote by the general populace, somewhere I read it was at the suggestion of One person. Neo Poet touts itself for being a democracy then be one and bring the vote on issues that affect the people directly to them so they may have a say. I've not seen anything brought to the general public for a vote in a very long time.

This Month's Contest

Come on guys and gals, ya'll can surely spare the time to enter a contest this easy. Now confession time. I've been in and out a lot lately due to shoulder problems. What does that have to do with this month's contest? I am the judge this month and fear I might miss an entry. So if you would all be so kind, I'd appreciate all entrants posting their poem's title here so it isn't overlooked during my still limited time here. BTW in place of bribes just send the pay off to Neopoet lol...........stan


you excite me... others only tickle------

Perhaps some day
one day
upon my shoulders flowers you all will lay
when you come to know of my poetic way

I have no hard feelings against anyone
here or any where
all to me are abs dear

like you Ian or Geremia or Jess
I must confess
you are the strungs of a ladder I sway upon
and climb with shaky legs all along

Masters Workshop

Last Call Come sign up for the meet the masters workshop. I know summer is on it's way
but what about those days that it is raining , or you just want to take a break from all of the fun you are having.

The workshop will be starting earlier than planned
we will begin on


see everyone there

(PS) don't forget the meet and greet in the chat room at 7-9 pm eastern for the same night Friday


Think you can write in the style of a past master? Then the June contest is for you! Go to contest tab and chose from the short list of masters, follow the instructions and have at it and don't forget to have fun doing so..........stan


I am pleased to announce the May contest winner is Alid for his humorous look at dating. I'm sure you will all join me in congratulating him and I hope everybody had a good time reading the entries.


Submitted by alidzain on Fri, 2015-05-08 03:45
Let me tell you the dating game can be tough
I know this is true because I had it rough

The first seemed decent to me
until I learnt she was once a 'he'
with the adam's apple clearly in sight
and a voice that gave me a fright!

Upcoming workshops

I want to take a moment and discuss two workshops in the preparation stage that will be starting soon.

Beginning on the eighth of June (or thereabouts when we can pull her fingers from her hair… the workshop is rather ambitious) China Blue (Chrys to her friends which are legion) will be holding a “study and participation” workshop addressing the great 19th century poets of the world.


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