Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


what I learned in the wilderness LOL only b Happy

went to heaven to explore
the gardens
of Eden of yore
what for
were they now obscure
no loved
no lovedly
how will we add children more?
poets and poetry does lure
all produce all over the same way as before
Gardens any where will do for sure
but find your opposite pair to ensure
the genes entwine as much as ever before

How are you feeling?

Up to a challenge?

Want to test your ability to write way out of your comfort zone?


Then join my workshop. It starts May 8th and runs for 26 days.

In that time, 10 lucky people will be assigned a subject and will produce three (3) separate poems and critique 27. You do not get to choose the subject, the styles, or the time.

What could possibly go wrong?

Details are below. This is a 1st come, 1st joined.

Name: An Exploration of Style, Subject, and Critique

Participants: 10

Implied imagery

I was looking over one of the pastoral shop poems. It was the shortest one in the shop and it got my rusty brain to thinking about, of all things, imagery. This poem had little in the way of described imagery. So on first read it seemed lacking in this thing which so often separates good from excellent poetry.

Naught bad words

When asked why he replied not at all. Most people found it disconcerting to the point of rudeness whilst he saw no point in responding in any conventional way that would further a social interaction he had no desire for and in fact found discomforting to the point of fear.

Critique by Request

If you would like a work critiqued, let me know via PM.

The rules are simple:

1) You ask for an honest critique
2) I give you one
3) You decide what to do from there

You never have to agree with me, but if you decide to call me names, please make them amusing and original

The Life Blood Of Neopoet

More than anything else the giving and receiving of critique is what makes Neopoet the best and most unique of poetry sites on the web. Over the last 8 years I have seen so many poets advance from 'roses are red and violets are blue' to fine wordcrafters and artists and it is through the process of giving and receiving critique. Not just in the Stream, of course, through the Workshops and Mentors program as well.
Receiving honest, constructive critique helps, of course, unless your work is already perfect, in which case you need psychiatric help, not a poetry site.

Parts of a poem

There are basically only four parts to a poem. There's the title which lures folks to read the poem. There's the beginning which hooks people into continuing. There's the main body which delivers the bulk of what the writer wishes to convey. Then there's the ending which leaves the reader with a final impression of the poem.

Critique and Criticism

What is the point of NeoPoet? What makes it different? What are we trying to do?
We are attempting to change the way a poet writes. If the poet doesn’t desire to improve their writing they have no purpose being here.
How do we all improve? By being critiqued by other poets. When the poet joins this community they are not only being critiqued they must offer critiques throughout the Stream (where the poems go to swim).
Some are not familiar with the idea of analyzing and commenting of another person’s poem.
This is where the workshop comes in.

An update on workshops

I know everyone is aware of the technical glitches NeoPoet has been suffering lately.
Some of that has slowed the opening of workshops.
There are other factors, but I will mention only one and that is to say get well Jess.

However, I want to announce upcoming workshops.

Stan will be shortly running a shop on Titles.

Rula will be running (not for some time) a workshop based on the small forms in poetry.

And I will take Jess’ place and lead a shop on Critique.

Much further down the line we will run a workshop in Storytelling in Verse.


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