Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



05 June Friday 7-9 pm MEET And GREET

WHERE IN THE CHAT ROOM come meet new folks and reacquaint yourselves with the old timers

There is still room in the upcoming workshop on the masters starting 08June
only three more slots left to fill

A great Workshop

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the workshop. I know there were some concerns about timing but, as we we ended the workshop, effectively, five (5) days early, I believe we can call it a success.

Chat room is open for scheduled chat

Hi All members
We finally have a scheduled room the first of many I hope

It will take place on 05June 7-9pm( eastern time)

It is going to be a meet and greet
what is a meet and greet

All new members are invited to attend and meet some of the old timers
feel free to ask questions
and for those already established in the community it is a chance for you to re acquaint with other members and bring any questions to the table that you may have
also meet the new members and welcome them

Meet The Masters

Hello All,
Just a quick note to let you good folks know I will be leading a workshop
on Who are the masters
June 08-17th 2015

We will be researching 19th century poets
their work their style etc
writing about them(there is a catch lol)
comparing , contrasting and composing plus discussions

Enough said though . I do not want to give away everything
Further details will follow


Memorial day approaches. In the U.S. it commemorates those who were lost in wars. So let's remember All soldiers lost by writing a poem about them. No winner or loser here because any poem thus written is a winner. Also any form is acceptable as well as any length. The only rules are that "Memorial Day" be part of the title and last day to post is May 25.

It is unfortunate that every country has had its taste of war so let's give our due to those who gave their all..........stan

as you glide by

when you glide

high up in the sky
the trees will sigh
and many will shed a tear
may be

but the only difference shall be
I will be looking still Lovedly--------------------------

take care the journey may be lonely
pass by gradually
and wave candidly

I'm off tomorrow to Brisbane, to visit my sister. I'll have limited access to internet for a week, so I apologise to the workshops I am involved in, if I'm awol and a little late on occasion.

and Jess, possum, I'll be in Sydney for a week after that. Maybe you'll be well enough for a coffee and hug. I'll call you.


In case everybody is getting tired of worrying about form and all that kind of stuff, this month's contest has only a length requirement and a requirement that your poem makes us laugh (or at least smile real big). Check it out under "contest" and have fun.............stan

There are only 3 qualified entries so far so this might be a good time to enter and give the judge something to smile about.........stan


Hello everybody. I'm pleased to announce the winner of the April contest is Mand. I hope all entrants had fun and that everyone will join me in congratulating the winner.

To Tread This Earthly Corridor - ( For April Contest )
Submitted by mand on Mon, 2015-04-06 04:24
The earth is ours, a home to live
a time to take, a time to give.
We wake each morn, some rich, some poor
to tread this earthly corridor.


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