Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



My apologies to all, especially those in the workshop, for not having commented for a while.... things have been a little hectic in my part of the world

My boss (and friend) died, and my time has been taken up with a consequential increase in my work responibilities....

I imagine that I will be back with you all within the fortnight...
love judy


When the sun shines
God enters our homes
when knowledgeable folks
read us
God also listens!!!!

Poetry is the only medium
one to the eternal home.....

say it as
if you must first
in self generate
a trust
that whilst living
is a must

granny's in waiting!

I loved my grand pas

They were dead before I was born
I saw both grannies
they both were
very deadly
poisonous snakes perhaps could be friendly!

any wonder my grandpas left early?
so why be sorry
glad they passed away
now it’s my turn they say
they call me every day
but still from them
far away I stay

hell will go loose I say
let both grannies now with grand pas
for the sake of Pete's life forever stay

July contest results

The winner of the July contest is Sparrow for his poem "Memory of No Choice".
If you've not read it you should and you should also enter the August contest........stan

August contest

We all have old shoes so let's write about them. Any length, funny, serious or in between. Only hitch is it must be in free verse.................stan

The Anglesea Barracks Angel

Where the accepted cannon's line of sight
converges on a school, and sizes up
it's next target recruits

Where the only wounded soldier limps past
by inches as a victim of circumstance
in the war that tobacco won

Where, farther down the harbour road
no warships are in sight
above the church spires

Only superliners blot out the light
of ornate buildings that remind us,
tourists are tramping near

It's gargantuan nose nuzzles our
ragged shore, but
there are no fatalities here

Ideas long and short

Departure to possibility

The space left in the panes,
where her shadow has gone

now filled with the lemon light
of the sun

full is the hallway, with rays

There must be something in that drench-light
that wants us to step in to her lustre

Then out to here, the retreating quiet
of a room

With wedding veil windows onto beyond
the emerald spray of trees

the dome of that hill, and verdant,
quiet in the dew of morning, I see:

pending arrval of the new train

Have you not noticed?

All your typing has so much improved
not a spelling error
no missing of a comma
what in hell can Jess say
but cheers

but we all love him
for he does hammer too
without any fears
he favours none
not even you

Sir Joe hope they realize what you do, do
and make a NOBEL for you...
my best wishes go out to you

How do we get new members?

We tried the social networks, have got some new members. Neopoet is shrinking. The same old members post. If everyone mentioned on their social networks, Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, etc it would help people find the joy of poetry. But never, ever denigrate rap. There is fine work there. it would work.It would work. We are so unique in helping new or aspiring poets develop their work.

It is not about ego, we really help people and all of us can do our bit to help find the joy of poetry.

June Contest Winner

Thanks go out to the few who entered a contest which required a poet to adopt another's style. The one who seems to have come closest was Sparrow (Ian) for his poem "HOME" in the style of W.E.B. DuBoise. Congrats Ian..................stan


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