Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


I am exploring the possibility of publishing a book of poetry by various poets here. The ones chosen will have to be active in both posting and giving commentary. All profit from the sale of the book will be turned over to site. I anticipate a "chap" type paper back book containing about 50-60 poems. But I will not move forward in doing this unless this blog gets a good response.

Andrew and Paul can't, they are the owners.Their critique would affect the site.
Rett, let him explain himself, and I ask him to, especially as he is standing for election to the AC. Please explain.
I critique, write and work hard at the AC, which you don't see. I so do what I can.
Chrys is a superb poet, and an excellent mentor, a bit of a drama queen but she loves Neopoet, so vote for her in the upcoming elections.

New Workshop( 11 September to 30 September)

Hi everyone
I will be running a workshop on using metaphors in place of emotions
there will be extensive writing involved as this is more of a hands on subject
metaphors are interesting but difficult . So between all of the participants we may be able to
1- sort out what exactly is a metaphor
2- how they are used(in our case in place of emotions)
3-why they are used
so come on in sign up and contribute to a learning experience


Beautiful take of yours
‘‘Without vision.... man perishes''
As per the Bible...when women were indoors
Now also add
'' Women too perish... as they now remain mostly out doors''

added by xyz
with the Lord's Permission as we look upwards...

Streaming and Comments (Again..)

“Neopoet Rating for Comments,
Also for streaming in one:-

Name Streamed Hits Comments made
Stan.......16....... 97.............19
Alid.........9 ........80..............12
Judy.......5.........60.......19ws 5 op
ws is Workshop op is other poets

wasting time

so many unread poems
or as they have no comments will we know anyone reads them
Are we least I ....wasting my, if not your time only a handful of poets here
are being read daily... the site has no way to show ..which way poems go

Shall we also go? if so say so!

au revoir!

Waiting for ???

I sit here each evening reaching into the night.
Way past midnight most times.
I read all the new poems posted. I try to comment on all of them but some need a day or second read.
I see my friends post and expect comments or critique on their work.
Well all your works are great, now get off your asses and comment on as many as possible it will make Neopoet a better site and it will encourage all the writers.
I will look out for your comments, yes, you! that writes and expect others to read and comment.
Yours as always, Ian.T

Out of Curiousity

Who is your favorite classical poet and who is your favorite contemporary poet?

Put up flyers

Post them on noticeboards and telegraph poles. Tell people who we are.
Neopoet badly needs new members. Do your bit.


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