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I am as cross as ten sakes, one poem for Winter contest and one returned due to no comments, Now a week has passed and I have commented on several poets over that time, and MINE well only Stan commented on one of them.
Nothing from any of the poets I have supported through the years.
I am tired of this system and can spend my time on my own work, I have hundreds of short stories to write from my tapes and have up until now let that slide.
I am going to stop commenting on anyone that doesn't acknowledge that I exist on Neopoet.

now your views

How true the priest be blessed too

Once I read a last summary
by a priest ere he died

he had said somewhat like this

I have preached god's wisdom
all my life
in his everlasting presence
to keep and help you maintain
your sanity
but now that I too am going
I have yet to come across
who can look after the blood pressure
of 7.5 billion or so (then maybe one less)


Lease of Life
Last night I was feeling cold,
nearly dead
they said wake up
yesterday’s dinner is being laid
I asked to be served in bed

No you are not dead yet
wake up get dressed
and the car is on its way
we will go to Molina Rouge
your ribs
we will all eat

a short story--true

Mr. Cappolla’s Horse: Part 1

Mr. Cappolla rode down the street every Wednesday late morning in a horse-drawn pickup truck shouting in his own Italian a litany of fresh fruits and vegetables that he picked out on the docks of the lower west side of Manhatten .


The December contest has been posted. Any style poem about how winter affects people or how it can be compared to a stage in life. Try to keep it non-epic in length lol..........stan


The November winner is "Grateful For Glendy" by wesley snow. A tough choice I've been told but the raw emotion finally won the day. If you've not yet read it you really should..........stan

Grateful for Glenda. (Thanks)

The first we ever did was dance.
The studio was where we met.
The teacher: I, the student: her.
And Arthur Murray’s was the site

We danced an hour twice a week.
We danced for months until I left.
I’d drunk myself near unto death
and could no longer right remain.


Very simple : a poem about what you are thankful for. Any style, any length (but Do have a bit of pity on judge lol).


The winner for October's contest is Rula for her excellent poem "XL Day". Please join me in congratulating her and find her poem right below.

XL Day (Oct. Contest)

When talking about the day's measure
I think of it as an X-Large deal,
for it holds in all the treasure;
the intuitive passion that I feel.

I think of it as an expanded well
with a rich spring that never dries,
for it is getting its utmost fill
from precious and so dear eyes.

I RECALL I recall.....

Too many years now in the past,
awakening to a feast's fragrance
and the sound of kin folk gathering
as final leaves desert the trees.

The battle fought 'most every year
to keep "pluckers" from an early sampling
of turkey or some favorite dish
with resultant hand slaps and laughter.

At last a gathering around
the adult as well as children's table
while Grandpa offered up our thanks
in that still remembered deep bass voice.


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